Chapter twenty six

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Carol's POV (Sarah's mother)

It's almost been a week since Sarah has left with the hunters. On the news has been the deaths of people whom were the victims of this vamp.

Everyday she praise they're closer and closer to catching him.

Carol is in the kitchen making breakfast while the news is on. Nothing interesting is on so Carol changed it.

Settling in the living room with her breakfast all made, she scrolls through the channels looking to watch.

"There's nothing interesting on anymore."

Carol ate her breakfast while watching the History channel.

When she finished, she sets her plate in the dishwasher and turned off the tv. Bringing out her phone, she turns on her music and away she cleans the home.

Passing the hours to clean her very old home. Staying here for awhile while her daughter is out hunting vampires brings back memories.

Raising Sarah in this town, this home revives so many memories. She can see why Sarah didn't want to move.

All of her friends are here. Her childhood.

Tears brim her eyes thinking all of the good to the bad memories and events.

A couple hours has passed when the doorbell rings.

She turns off the music.

Opening the door, an African American man standing there looking distress.

"Hey, are you Carol Harper? Sarah's mother?"

"Why yes, yes I am."

"You need to come with me. Sarah . . . She's been in a fight from being attacked by vampires."

"Oh my poor baby!"

"Yes and you need to come with me."

"Well who are you anyways?"

"I'm Dean's friend and he sent me. But you need to come if you want to see her."

"Kay, just give me a minute. Come in."

Coral scurried to gather her phone, purse and shoes. The man stood there waiting.

"Bring your travelling documents, we're crossing the border."

Carol places her purse down on the couch then scurrying her travelling documents.

"Alright. I'm ready."

They headed out, locking the door, and off they went to the car.

She got into the passenger seat.

"We have to go to Canada. Should be there sometime tonight."

"Oh my poor baby. Tell me what happened?"

"Well what happened was we found the vampire but he had beaten up everyone. They tried to catch him but he out fought everyone even the vampires who are apart of their team."

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