Chapter three

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Blade's POV

Keir, Kathrine, Dawn, Sabor and I walked through the forest heading into town to the blood bank. We may have taken our vehicles but we wanted to walk.

Since there's nothing to do we decided to walk in the forest to pass the time. Over the past nine years, we, Tandlers have gotten along well with the three friends of Sarah.

Sabor and Lennix ended up being good friends with Keir and I, while Kathrine became fast friends with Amber and Dawn.

The seven of us almost always hangs around together at once.

Nevada, Corbin and Sapphire hang around each other alone. They don't want to be part of the "action" that takes place. Nevada and Corbin finally got together but Raul doesn't seem to keen on the idea of his only daughter, whom's a lonely child, is dating. Especially the same species that live in the household.

What can I say, overprotective father.

Speaking of relationships, Lennix and Sabor finally are together as well! I'm so happy for them. They've only dated about a year now and are happy as can be.

Keir and Dawn got engaged a couple of years ago and now are a happy couple. Victoria and Raul are still together, which I don't know how long they've been together now, but for sure a long time.

The only singles ones are Amber, Kathrine and I. Although I think Kathrine is talking to someone at the moment, but not sure.

We walked in the forest admiring the view. I'd always loved the forest. I've lived here basically my whole vampire life.

I remember it like it was yesterday. Getting bitten in my home. Waking up in my bed oblivious at what was going on. Wandering around the town that was abandoned when Raul found me. He took me in under his wing.

Taught me how to control my hunger when I don't have blood, plus at the time, we had these accessories that would sting us if we craved human blood in town, until the Vanetts managed to deactivate a machine which activated ten accessories.

I remember the pain that stung us real bad. Not even stung. It felt like the venom racing through me all over again.

Not long after, war broke out between us and vampires hunters, and the Vanetts. It was awful.

A lot of poor souls got bitten and a lot of vampires and hunters died, including the original leader of the hunter group before that guy came along. Sarah's father, Jeffery Harper. I remember telling Sarah the news.

She was devastated.

We moved away not long after that to recover and collect newbies or oldies to join our group. Technically strays.

We finally came back home. Only being in town a couple of times, it seems dead. Maybe because most of the town is vampires and the mortals don't want to get bitten, even though it's the law that vampires can't bite humans or they'll die.

I mean even though it's great for the mortals, it's not for us, but they hunters did mention that there's a blood bank for us vampires.

It's a win win.

Voices in the distance snapped me out of my memory lane. I seem to recognize them. The others seem to notice and stopped.

"I recognize the voices," Sabe said.

"Same," I say.

Glancing around the area, the voices kept getting louder and louder as the closer they came.

"I doubt they have something to do with the mysterious murders."

"Well it seems kind of odd how they show up five months prior while the whole killings have gone down. Plus they didn't know the law and that there's a blood bank for them."

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