Chapter twenty one

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Sarah's POV

When that doorbell rang, my heart drops.

Lennix slowly gets up to answer the door. "Hey, would you like to buy some Girl Scout cookies?"

I sigh a relief.

"Sorry, not today, but I can give you two dollars."

I see Lennix searching through his wallet for a toonie and gave it to the little girl. "Thank you."

"Your welcome, have was good day."

He closes the door.

"Aww. You gave a little girl toonie without buying anything. Your really good with kids," I comment.

"I know."

I sink into the couch. Heavy footsteps are heard in the hallway upstairs. We glance over finding Blade sitting on the top step.

You see once you step in through the front door. Your in the living room, a thin wall on the other side of the room separates the living and the kitchen. In the middle of the living room wall on the right side when you enter, four steps lead upstairs. The hallway isn't long, just enough for a couple rooms and a bathroom. Beside the stairs to the upstairs there's stairs to the downstairs where it leads to a hallway full of bedrooms and a couple bathrooms.

I took a look around earlier when we were here before Dawn and I left.

"You are supposed to be resting!" Dawn screeches.

"Right, doctor. But you know me that I'm not being cooped up in the room. Especially since three people are out there trying to kill Kathrine and I. Well . . . Two now since I killed one of them."

"Which one?" Will asks.

"The one I chased into the woods. He's dead now. I had chased him into the forest deeply, that's when I found an old, rusty cottage. We fought outside, where he got pretty good hits on me. I managed to kill him stashing his body in the basement. I wrote a note with paper and a pen I found and set it on the bed.

"I walked out and that's when I found out about the vampire. Since I was already beaten up, he took one swing and knocked me out.

"The next thing I remember is I'm in a basement chained to the wall. He told me his name and a monologue of how he and his boss can't stop him and will get away with it. I zoned out through most of the monologue since it's the cliche shit."

"What's his name?" I ask.

"Marshal Bronx. The guy we've been looking for. Anyways, he kept me down there for a day. I let myself heal until I get my strength. Once I got my strength back, I was set to go. I kept yanking at the chains, knowing they would break at some point since I'm very strong. They did. I was free until Marshal came in carrying Kathrine.

"Luckily she was alive and very well awake since she's been trying to get free from him. He saw me unchained and dropped Kathrine on the cold, rock solid concrete. She saw me thankfully alive. Marshal thought I wouldn't escape but he though wrong. I waited a couple hours for Kathrine to get back her straight, then we make our way upstairs.

"I tried the door and damn he knew I would try the to escape. It looked old so slamming myself against the old door a few times worked and we were out. No one seemed to be in the cabin. Yes we were trapped in a cabin in the middle of nowhere.

"We made out grand escape until Marshal and I guess his boss caught us. Of course it was bright as day, that's probably how we got Hep D. Anyways, we fought them and man they both are strong. I took the boss while Kathrine took Marshal. We fought and fought in the bright sun.

"Kathrine and I got taken down hard. They corner us at the cabin until the boss spoke up giving us another monologue on how they'll destroy us. I zoned out once again but this time I thought of a plan. As they came forward to us, the boss came really close to me where I kicked him where it'll hurt for quite sometime. He was taken aback by this which gave me an opportunity to punch him in the stomach with the little strength I had left. Kathrine somehow over powered Marshal then off we came here.

"We ran as fast as we can which honestly wasn't far from here. They brought us into Canada without being suspected for anything. We can up to the high school and that's where we found Sarah and Dawn."

"What did the boss look like?" Lennix asks.

"He was wearing all black with one of those sweaters where the hood has the zipper, holes to see and breath. It's the one wear you can cover your face. He was wearing that and now we know who our vampire is."

"Why didn't you kill them when you had the chance?" I ask.

"Well incase if you didn't know. With the strength we had it wasn't enough to kill them but injure them. The sun drained us pretty fast, plus getting knocked out as well."

"So what's going to happen now?" Keir asks.

"I guess they'll be coming after us now, hopefully no more innocent mortals."

Oh I really hope so.

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