Chapter twenty eight

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Blade's POV

I walk deep into the forest hoping I'd never return. Walking through the dark forest it gives me the creeps.

It's just me.

My job to get her back.

Let's hope that the plan works.

Finally, I stop in front of the cabin. Starting at it, I take deep breaths descending forwards when rustling came from beside the cabin.

Out comes Marshal with Sarah's mom?

"Well, you showed up."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"It's just that you do realize that you won't be going back?"

"I do."


Someone else came out of the shadows. "Well, we'll, well. It's nice to see you."

He held onto Sarah. My heart broke for her.

She's fragile to our kind. Being held by a vampire, yes I can tell he's a vampire, and not being free.

"I have something I need to do first."

Marshal kicked his lips before sinking his fangs into the mother's neck. Sarah screams and trying to breaks free and I'm about to knock him over when someone knocks me over.

Glancing up, Dean straps me down holding a wooden stake to my throat.

Hearing Sarah scream and cry for her mother, then the unexpected. Hearing a crack . . . Then a thump.

My heart breaks even more when Sarah is now sobbing.

"Don't move and I won't kill you."

I knew something was wrong before but now I know why.

"You're a . . ."

"Dhampire. A mixed of human and vampire."

"Those types are rare."

"I know."

I kick him where it'll hurt later on. Loose on the stake, I grab the stake ripping it out of his hands. I run and stab Marshal. He swiftly moves away from me.

Finally, the others come. Sabe and will protect Sarah while the rest are stand around ready to attack.

I run to stand beside Keir and Will who's trying to support a crippling Sarah.

Before we know it, Marshal grasp Will and bites him. I run into Marshal bringing him down. Unlucky, he overpowered me and brought me down instead, kicking me in the gut.

Not long after I hear a cracking sound.

I try to stand up to see the commotion.

Everyone is held by vampires that magically appeared out of nowhere. I, personally, get held down.

Dean has a hold of Sarah.

"Now, we can do this the friendly way. Blade, come with me and sacrifice yourself for your friends and girlfriend, or let her die like everyone else has."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because why not? I mean I am the rarest vampire type. Leading the vampire hunter group was the first thing to leading to a successful job. Hiring Marshal to do my dirty work is a great distraction from what I really want."

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