Chapter four

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Unknown Vampire's POV 

He walked along the quiet road of Cooperstown. His job tonight is to find a victim, then get out of town.

While his stay here, he's heard that the hunters are after him. Being her for five days now, he'll be off tonight.

His boss would not want him to get caught.

With his hood pulled over, he snuck glances in the directions where people are milling around.  One couple caught his attention, both looking in the Cooperstown Diner. Heading inside, he waited a couple minutes, stalking them from the outside. Hiding behind the wall he finally decides it's time to go in.

Sitting at a table near them facing towards them but kept a low profile. The content couple laughed quietly as they ate their meal.

Watching them feats made him hungry.

Taking out his blood bottle drinking ever single drop. Pulling his hood down further he kept himself "company" on his phone.

Glancing up ever so often to keep tabs on the couple he'll feast tonight. How he'll drain every drop. Feeling the irony liquid drop down his throat.

His boss texted ruining his fantasies.

Have you chosen your victim?

Yes, and victims.

Perfect. After tonight you'll be off to Jordanville and up to Canada.

A smile creeps on his stone face.

Beware of the vampire hunters, especially Sarah Harper. She's a feisty little one when it comes to vampires. Also the Tandlers have return so keep an eye out and don't go on their territory.

How do you know all of this?

Let's just say that I stalk the place.

Thanks for the heads up.

Setting his phone down the guy stood up to use the bathroom. He kept an eye on the woman as she at her midnight meal and on her phone.

A couple minutes later, the man came out from the bathroom and the couple left. Leaving ten seconds afterwards, he trailed behind them keeping his distance. Clouds curled in one another as lightening illuminated the sky.

A storm a coming. And when a storm is coming that meant rain, which meant he'll be getting rashes.

As the two rounded a corner, he ran up to them as they got into their sea blue Hyundai. Ready with a plan he has, he went up to them.

"Excuse me?"

The two looked over.

"Hey, my car broke down a block back and I'm new here in town."

"Do you need a phone to call a tow truck?" The guy asks.

"Umm, no I just need a ride home. I'll get phone tomorrow morning. I just need to get to my parents home. It my mother's birthday tomorrow and I don't want to miss it."

"Sure, hop in."

"I don't know," the woman said.

"C'mon honey, we'll drop him off. I'm sure it's not far."

"Please, I won't be a bother. It's just a fifteen minute drive," he pleaded.

The woman looked hesitant before nodding. Inside, he's celebrating in excitement of how successful that went. He hopped in the back and told the guy the directions. In fifteen minutes, they came up to the forest.

"Just down here."

Driving up to a wooden mansion in the middle of the forest, he hopped out of the car thanking them.

He leaned against the window of the car as the driver rolled down the window. In a split second he grasped his arm and bit down.

A blood curdling scream erupted in the car from both the guy and the woman. Sliding his fingers down to lock the car so the terrified girl can't escape.

She struggled to get out but ended up climbing to the back. Once he finished draining all of the warm liquid, he snapped his neck to stop from transforming.

"Your next!"

She screamed as tears dropped from her eyes.

"No! Stay away from me!"

Unlocking the door, she escaped falling in the process. He burst out laughing and evil one. The traumatized woman ran for her life through the forest stupidly not taking the path.

"You can run, but you can't hide!"

Giving her a ten second head start, he chased after her. A game of cat and mouse is is favourite game of all.

Rain starting pouring as the thunder roared. Running through the forest, he spotted a bit of blonde hiding behind a tree. Playing with her, he walked to the right of her to make her think he hasn't spotted her.

Oh she thought wrong.

Walking the long way he ran right up to her just as she was about to leave the opposite was he went, catching her arm.

"Let me go! Please leave me alone!"

"No can do sweetheart, I need my midnight snack, just like you had yours."

He grasped into her hip and brought his head down to her neck. Sinking his fangs into her throat, letting the liquid pour into his mouth. She screamed her lungs out but was drowned out by the thunder, until her body went limp. Snapping her neck, he left the body in the forest.

His job is complete and he can move on.

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