Chapter ten

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Unknown Vampires POV

He drove in the car all the way Mohawk. As he drove, he took a sip of blood that sits in his cupholder.

It's cool outside which is why he stole a car to drive. The eerie silence filled the car. The radio he had on before didn't have excellent songs.

Not even his taste.

Luckily the drive isn't that long.

A wooden sign "welcome to Mohawk" stands to welcome all citizens. An ancient looking town appears in front of him within seconds.

The sun setting creates an eerie feeling, almost. As he enters the town, some civilians milling around and cars passing him. Only being Half past eight, there's quite a few people out and about.

This would be an excellent night for a feast. He gave himself a mini tour of the place while searching for a good place to feast.

He places his cup of blood at the back to force him not to drink anymore, not wanting to be full on his mission.

He needs to be starving and craving blood. Licking his lips, tasting the metallic liquid streaming down his throat. Hearing the crack of their neck. Hearing them scream is music to his ears.

A creepy smirk curled into his face as a deep chuckle erupted in the car.

Pulling over into a parking lot of a bar, the music blasted from inside. People gathering inside having a blast. This is a perfect place to collect naive people.

Getting out his ID, with fake information, he made his way up to the entrance.

"ID please," one of the security guards. Showing the card, the guard nodded. Entering the bar, music filled his ears, flowing through one and out the other. Disco lights flashing away. People dancing on the dance floor, at the bar getting drunk. In the corner, a couple is making out.

He walks up to the counter hoping to find someone. As soon as he sits, he starts scouting


He turns towards the counter. "Rebecca?"

"What are you doing here?

"My vacation," he said sarcastically.

"I hope you aren't scouting for a woman to sleep with."

"I'm not. I'm here for work actually."

"Good. We don't need you to hurt another one like you did to me!"

"Look Rebecca, I'm sorry."

"Well sorry doesn't cut it!" She snapped

"I couldn't help it!"

"Well you should have controlled your hunger!"

"You were dying so what else could I have done?"

"Left me to die!"

"Well, I didn't. You seem fine now."

"Im doing great without you, Marshal."

"That's good."

"Anyways, what would you like to drink?"

"I don't want any thank you very much. I'm here on a mission. So I'll get my blood soon."

"Alright then. If you don't need me then I'll go and help someone else who would like a drink," Rebecca snapped.

Rebecca left Marshal in his thoughts. Thanks  to Rebecca, the memories are resurfacing after being buried deep down in his mind, locked behind doors he created.

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