Chapter twenty two

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Marshal's POV

"Where the fuck could they be?!" His boss yells in frustration.

"We were fucking close to killing them!"

Marshal sat on the couch in the cabin his boss had found, listening to his lecture about keeping the hostages trapped in a room where they couldn't escape.

"Well how was I supposed to fucking know that Blade would escape, along with Kathrine?"

"Securing the chains! Knocking them out harder! ANYTHING!"

"Well, where could they be?"

"I don't fucking know!"

"No need to yell at me!"

"Well if you did your fucking job then I wouldn't be!"

"Isn't there a place where you were supposed to meet them?"

He pauses for a moment and thinks. A smirk appears on his face.

"Yeah, yeah I forgot about that."

"I do have somewhere to meet them."


His boss creepily chuckle. "Not for you to know."

His boss ran out of the cabin, leaving Marshal to do his thing.

Wandering around the cabin he cleans up the kitchen, the bathroom, bedroom, and the living room.

It took him all day.

Marshal sat on the couch watching tv after getting it working, barely. His boss came back around midnight.

"So I did some spying and they are chilling. Kathrine and Blade have Hep D which makes it awesome."

"Hep D, eh?" He raises his eyebrow in amusement.

"Yeah. Which means if we kill both of them, it leads to a weaker group. Which is a better chance of winning. Then we can feast on anyone we'd like."

"So I won't go hungry again."

"That's right. And maybe you can get your girlfriend back as well."

Marshal pauses, thinking about Rebecca hurt him. He never intentionally wanted her to become a vampire, but the only way to save her was to bite her.

He misses her badly.

"She won't want to come back to me. Rebecca made it clear."

"Well, we might have to change her mind then."

His boss glances at him seeing his sadness behind his eyes. "Well, there are other woman out there who would want you."

"I know. But Rebecca was special, she loved me for who I am. It doesn't matter now since she's fine alone. Away from me."

"People come and people go. That's the way it works. The circle of life."

His boss left him alone in the living room, going upstairs to do his thing. Marshal watched tv for most of the night. Finally deciding it's time to get out, he makes his way outside of the cabin, going for a little walk in the forest.

The moon shone a little path for him even though he can see clearly. The trees stood proud and tall blocking most of the sky. The gravel crouches underneath his feet. Hearing owls hoot and the grasshoppers chirp in the dead of night.

He neared the town but stayed in the forest.

There's no reason for him to go into town just yet.

At the edge of the woods, Marshal views the town as the lights glow and not a single living soul out and about.

Unlike him.

Sitting on the ground he hugged his knees in looking at the peaceful town. Everyone asleep.

Marshal remembers sleep vividly. The comfortable bed under the warm mountain of blankets and softness of the pillows. How deep dreams can be.

Closing his eyes imaging the warmth of his old bed.

That thought disappeared when footsteps are to be heard in the forest. He knows who's they are.

"So, this is where you've been."

He didn't stay anything but looked out into the town.

"Marshal, I hope your listening 'cause I'm about to tell you the plan. And I'm not going to repeat."

"Okay," is all he said.

He tunes in when his boss starts speaking about the plan, and by the end of it, he knows what he's doing.

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