Chapter fifteen

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Sarah's POV

What the fuck did I just hear?

How the fuck does this guy know my name?

What the fuck is he talking about?

What's his present?

Who is this person?

Dean immediately stepped on the brakes throwing us to the ground.

"What the hell was that for?" I hissed.

He ignored my question by honking. "What the fuck?" Keir growled.

"Listen, stay in the truck." Dean jumped out of the truck slamming the door. Then we hear yelling.

"Get the fuck out of the way before I kill you!"

Blade immediately jumps out of the truck followed by Keir.

"I told you to wait in the truck." Dean hissed.

"Yeah well we don't listen," Keir replies.

I hopped out of the truck as well, walking around to see the commotion.

"Harper, I said stay in the car."

"Well I'm a stubborn bitch."

"Yeah I see."

I smirk.

"So I just want to say hi," this person, tall and slender, wearing skinny black jeans and a grey sweater. His hair is a buzz cut with a goatee.

"Also I have something for you." He pointed to Blade.

"What is it?" The guy walked up to Blade the punches him in the face. Keir ran straight into the action getting kicked and punched. Keir went down as the guy went back to abusing Blade.

Dean pulled out his gun shooting at the guy aiming for the leg. Luckily he shot the leg but the guy stood up with Blade punched him one more time before booking it into the trees on the side of the road behind us. Dean helped Keir as I help Blade.

"Are you okay?"


He held his nose at it bled. "I'll be okay. I'll heal within minutes."

I take a good look at his face with my hands on his cheeks. Bruises are covering his face with a cut on the bridge of his nose.

"Are you sure? You need to be cleaned up."

"No, I'm fine. But I'll be back."

And before I knew it he zoomed off after him.

We helped Keir into the truck. Kathrine brought out a cloth from her bag when we were at the hotel or rooms back in Jordanville. She wrapped some ice in it and handing it over to Keir.


"Where did Blade go?" Sabe asks.

"He went after the guy that beat both of them up. Dean shot him in the leg."

"He won't make it far," Will says cutting in.

"And Blade is lightning speed fast so the guy won't get very far," Keir replies.

The sun started setting as we waited for Blade to come.

It's been almost an hour since he left. Keir and Sabe has texted and called him every five minutes. No reply.

"Aright, if he's not here in the next ten minutes we're leaving without him," Dean says breaking the silence.

Someone's phone went off and we all, except for Dean, jumped searching for each others phones, thinking it'll be Blade.

"It's mine . . . It's Lennix."

Sabe hopped out of the truck to answer.

We hear fainted talking from Sabe. Once he finished the call Dean called in saying we're leaving.

I didn't want to leave but we had to. I sat by Keir who was starting off into space.

"You okay?" I ask him.

He looks over at me and nodded. "I know Blade. He'll be okay. Of course I'm worried for him but he'll show up."

"I'm just worried. What if he doesn't?"

"He will. He does this sometimes. He'll go away for personal reasons then will show up."

"How long does it take?"

"Depends. Can be a few hours, a few days. At most it would be a week. He won't go for more than a week."

"That's a long time."

"It is but I trust him. Remember he's an adult he can take care of himself."

"I know."

"You like him, don't you?"

"I . . . I like him as a friend."

"Hmm sure." My cheeks started heating up I look away.

"You like him."

"Shut up," I smile.


We arrived in Harrisville. Signing in a hotel we then went into our rooms for the night. I share with Kathrine.

We got settled then watched a couple movies.

"So . . . Do you like Blade?" Kathrine asks as we watch Lizzie Borden took an Ax, on Lifetime.

"Umm, as a friend."

"You seem a bit worried for a friend."

"Wouldn't you?"

"I guess . . . but the way you were talking to Keir about it seemed to get you worried if he'll ever come back."

"So your eaves dropping now?"

"Well we were in a truck, plus we vamps have better hearing so we heard your conversation."

"Even if we were talking as quietly as possible?"


We chuckled. Damn I love her.

I finally let sleep consume me as I fell into deep darkness.

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