Chapter 10

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Christian saw and witnessed everything. He saw Elena hurt Alexa by grabbing her hair. He doesn't know the whole story but he doesn't want to stand here doing anything.

"Alexa!" He chased her, trying to keep up, but Alexa ran faster than him. "Alexa! Wait for me!", Christian yelled as hard as he can. " Stop following me! Leave me alone!", she yelled back, her voice cracked, still running. Her breathing turned uneven and her pace slowed down.

She ran and ran and ran. She doesn't know where she is heading, but she didn't care.

Suddenly, she stopped. She saw a lake, a beautiful lake right in front of her. She has nowhere to go. She has been cornered.

She faced Christian, anger, and tears filled her eyes. "I told you to stop following me!", she said, her voice wavered.

" You're a fast runner, Alexa. Phew! You can join the Olympics!", Christian joked, trying to lighten the mood. Alexa sat down on the cold grass, wrapped her arms around her knees, and buried her head.

Christian sat next to her, staring at her fragile body. "Alexa, if you want to talk, you can talk. If you want to stay silent, be silent. I just want you to know that I am here to help. You can step on my foot again if it will help you feel better.", Christian stated, still waiting for a response from Alexa.

"Nothing can help me. I am trapped in this madness. Even if I tell you, which I won't, nothing will change. The situation will still be the same."

"At least, you will feel better. Talking and telling your problems with someone lessens the pain you have inside.", Christian said.

Alexa couldn't help but look at him.

The cold airbrushed Alexa's cheeks as she gazed at Christian. His black hair shined along with the moon's light as the wind gave a blow. His grin made Alexa's heart pound a little crazy, making her question herself if the person sitting next to her is really the guy she teased and pushed away.

"What if you made a promise not to tell anyone about it? Even if you wanted to confess everything and leave the rest to him, you just can't because you are bound to this. Do you think she is the only one suffering? I too am suffering even if I shouldn't be suffering!"

Alexa covered her face with her hands. Her eyes burst into tears.

"I won't force you to tell me anything. But think about it. Will this secret of yours build up relationships or destroy relationships?"

Alexa gradually removed the hand that encloses her face. "What do you mean? Are you telling me that I did the wrong thing? You don't even know anything!!"

"I know that. All I'm saying is if this secret will destroy your relationship with Elena, you better stop this nonsense."

"I know that... But, I don't know what to do.."

Christian stood up and held out his hand. "Alexa, let's go back. It is not safe here." Alexa looked at his extended hand and back at him. "Where are we going? Back to Elena? You go by yourself. I don't want to step back into that house ever again."

Christian shook his head from side to side. "Let's go home. Right now, you needed some rest. A lot of stuff can happen in one day."

Alexa slowly raised her hand. Her hand extended to him, reaching out to him. Right now, Alexa wants to feel loved. Even for just a moment, Even if it's Christian, Even for this night, I want someone to grab my hand and make me feel safe.

Alexa's hand finally reached Christian's hand and she stood up. Christian held her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Let's go home."

Christian wrapped Alexa with his jacket. Alexa's driver picked them up 10 minutes ago. The radio sound gave the car a calm vibe which allows the weird tension to rest. The temperature of the vehicle grew colder by the moment.

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