Chapter 15

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Alexa's POV

"Alexa, I want to thank you for everything. At the same time, I want to apologize for causing you trouble."

Right now, I am here at a cafe with Raymond. He doesn't look good. His eyes are red and he looked a bit haggard.

I bet he cried all night.

It's just not him who doesn't look good. I, too, had red eyes. That means I cried last night.

I can't remember anything that happened last night which isn't new to me. My mind was blank. Even if I squeezed my brain, I won't be able to recall anything.

"You apologized to me already and I accepted it. So, stop saying sorry to me."

I can't forgive myself but I have to be strong so that Raymond will be strong as well.

"I can look for Brandon. It's the least I can do."

His offer made me feel like ice dropped into some hot water.

I quickly stood up from my seat.

"Really?!", my voice rang loudly in the cafe, making people stare at me.

I quickly apologized before sitting down again. I want to climb up a mountain and scream happily.

" It's a piece of cake! Just leave it to me. I might find him right on time before your birthday.", he said. He looks so confident at locating Brandon's whereabouts.

"Thanks a bunch! I really wanted him to be there. I miss him so much!"

His hair, his eyes, his smile, his voice, EVERYTHING!!

It would be great if he will attend my birthday.


"Good Morning Class! Despite the bad weather we experienced last week, the school decided to continue our school trip.", Miss Claire said.

Screaming and excitement are heard in the whole classroom. I have to cover my ears until the excitement of my class calm. 😵

" For this school trip, you should have a group with 4 members. This is a MUST." Miss Claire explained to us.

My eyes suddenly popped wide open.


I am FINE being by myself. I don't need any company. I'm already 18 years old!

"What are you waiting for? Go find your group.", Miss Claire announced before leaving the room.

Some girls are gathering around Christian. I can't help but be pissed off.

" Christian! You should join our group! We need one more person and you are the perfect member!", she started.

Wait a minute. They wanted him in their group?!

I wanted to complain and interfere with their conversation, but I kept my mouth shut.

He grinned at her.

What is there to be happy about?

My feet turned numb and my heart was pounding loudly. My brain started to have a conversation with me.

Brain: You have to do something! He shouldn't be in her group!

Me: What? Why? He has the right to go to any group that he wants. I can't take his right for no reason!

Brain:*raises an eyebrow* You're gonna regret this. Can you stand it if you see some girls clinging to him and being flirty?

Me: Yes.

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