Chapter 11

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Alexa couldn't believe her eyes. Her hands reflexively covered her mouth, attempting to cover her surprise look.

She dashed towards Raymond and hugged him. He's here! He's finally here! She loosened her hug and looked at his face, absorbing everything she sees and feels.

"What about your sickness?", Alexa directly asked. Raymond flashed her a smile - the smile she knows - and gave her head a gentle stroke.

" The doctors did their best and succeeded in removing the tumor. I'm really grateful to have another chance to live and tell Elena everything."

Alexa retracted her body from Raymond. "Umm. Let's go inside and chat. It's cold here."

Raymond nodded in agreement. He assisted Alexa with every step she takes. He is like the perfect gentleman around town.

Alexa couldn't help but giggle at his manner. "You don't have to treat me like that."

Raymond paused, then finally agreed. He just wants to treat every girl with the respect they need. " If you say so."

All of them entered Alexa's house. She faced both of them and asked in a girly manner, "What beverages do you want? I can make them for you. Oh! I also have donuts if you want to have some snacks."

Christian thinks he needs to go see an
ophthalmologist. The Alexa he knows is a fierce girl, not showing any signs of cuteness and softness to anyone, even guys. I'm starting to question Alexa's behavior towards me. She never treats me right!

"I want some juice. Add the donuts too.", Christian said. Whenever he asks for something for Alexa, she will tell him to get lost.

This time, Alexa smiled. Oh my gosh! Did she just smile at me? Christian looked around him, wanting to know if Alexa is smiling at someone else.

She IS smiling at me!! Oh no! If Christian can just jump around like crazy, he would have done that right now. Christian pointed at the couch. " I'll just sit on the couch.", he said, stuttering.

"Ok!", Alexa beamed. He could feel that Alexa turned into a different person. He looked straight at Raymond. What kind of sorcery did Raymond have to change Alexa's approach to me? I need to learn that trick!

He sat down on the couch, glaring at Raymond. Raymond sat beside him, filling the gap between them. He asked Alexa for a glass of water before looking around Alexa's house.

Silence surrounded them. It feels like no one is here. Raymond, sensing Christian's stares finally talked to him.

"Why are you looking at me like that?", he nervously asked. Christian is a stranger to him. He had never seen him before.

" Look at you like what?", Christian said. The tone of his voice gave a hint to Raymond that there is something wrong.

"No, nevermind.", Raymond stated. Shortly, Alexa joined them, bringing in some goods for them to consume.

Alexa munched on a strawberry donut while Christian ate his share, still looking at Raymond.

After enjoying the meal, Alexa called the attention of Raymond. " So Raymond, since you are here, How are you gonna tell Elena the truth?"

When Christian heard Alexa speaking, he eventually stopped giving the looks to Raymond.

"I planned on arranging a date with Elena at the park. The place where Elena and I first met.", Raymond proudly said. He wants to tell Elena EVERYTHING as soon as possible.

" The problem is, How are you gonna make Elena go there? You know that she is still angry at you two.", Christian said. He took a big gulp at his juice.

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