Chapter 27

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Christian's POV

[School time is over at this time and my classmates had invited me to play basketball with them.]

Sweat was dripping from me and I breathed heavily. It has been a long time since I played basketball and I can't say no to my classmates. Besides, we would only play for 10 minutes because of some much more important things to do.

It is a good time to do some physical activities. But that isn't the only reason why I want to play basketball.

You see, Alexa was watching me and I want to impress her. Right now, the score my team had was 7 while the opponent has 9. We also have less than a minute and the only way to win is for us to score a three-point shot.

Anyway, I have the ball, and my teammates are counting on me.

Dribbling the ball while an opponent was blocking me, I came up with a plan.

I stepped one step back, putting my right foot back. Then, I did the through-the-legs dribbling before passing him to his right side. Making my opponent confused for a second is enough for me to have the chance to shoot.

Taking my chance, I shot the basketball. Yes! Three points! We won! We won.

I can hear Alexa clapping and cheering me from the distance. A smile formed on her face. I revealed a cheerful smile to her and waved in her direction. "Good game! We almost won.", a classmate told me. 

"Yeah. You guys are great too. A very good opponent.", I complimented them as I gave them a bro's fist. A high five to the guy at my side before waving goodbye to them. Jogging my way to Alexa, she handed me a fresh bottle of water.

Showing my gratitude to her and drinking gulps of water from the bottle, I felt much better. " Alexa, did you see me my three-point shoot? I didn't expect me and my team to win. I'm so proud of myself.", I beamed with happiness and satisfaction.

Alexa agreed. "You are so good!"

I feel dignified. She praised me! She did praise me!

My smile widened and I feel like I was in Heaven.

I sat down beside Alexa at the bench and can't conceal my overwhelming joy from her compliment.

I want to see Alexa play Basketball so badly. She will be so cool! She will be dribbling the ball, wearing basketball clothes, sweat dripping from her face to her neck while she stares at her opponent with serious and deadly eyes.

"Want me to teach you?", inviting her. She wasn't expecting that invitation.

" Now?", she said, quite not ready for such activity.

"Yes. The boys already left so we have the whole basketball court to ourselves.", I pointed out to her.

She looked at the empty basketball court before she looked back at me.

" Nope. I will pass.", she replied coldly.

My hopes of seeing her cool side crashed right before my eyes. How can she reject me brutally, killing my hopes of seeing her cool side?

No. I can't accept this! I deserve to see her play basketball after winning a game. Without any hesitation, I lifted her from her seat and made her stand on the basketball court. She looked displeased from my sudden and unthoughtful actions. 

"Stop! I told you that I don't want to learn.", she protested.

"Why?", I bluntly asked.

"It is because I'm not good at it. Even if you or a professional basketball teacher teach me, I won't be able to shoot and score."

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