Chapter 14

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Christian's POV

Alexa's cooking is one of the best! I can't get enough of it. How can she turn a simple egg into something delicious?

Dishes are left in the kitchen. Since Alexa isn't here anymore, then I am the one who'll do the dishes. I piled up the plates and washed them thoroughly.

"If I asked her to make one for me, will she do it?", I said to myself.

Maybe not. She will get angry and then speak nonsense.

I don't mind. She is different than the girls I know. Girls are gentle and kinda flirty to me. Thank goodness some girls don't put me in their " Must-Date-Boy" List.

I rinsed the plates, one by one, making sure that they are washed out properly. I'm used to this. Back at home, I am the one assigned to wash the dishes.

The dishes are finally done and I placed them back to where they belong.I did a few stretching before I headed towards the living room to watch tv.

I held the remote control in my hand and picked a channel. News suddenly flashed.

"Heavy rain will be experienced. So we suggest that all of you will stay at home and lock the doors. A flood can be encountered at these places.", the reporter informed its viewers.

The look on Alexa's face continued to haunt me. I can't even watch the news properly! It's like she got a hold of my brain, filling it up with her image.

I bit my lip as my brain flashed what happened last night.


" I'm sorry... Sorry...", she said, her eyes squeezed tight.

I woke up from Alexa's pleading. You can feel in the tone of her voice how serious she is at apologizing and how sorry she is.

She is starting to sweat and change positions. I held her shoulders, stopping her before she falls on the bed.

"Alexa! Wake up! It's me, Christian. All of this is just a dream!" I was alarmed. This isn't right.

Her eyes suddenly popped open, her breathing jagged.

Her arms suddenly reached mine, holding mine in place.

She is still drunk.

Her hands held mine with willingness. Her fingers intertwined with my long fingers, electrifying me and making me hard to breathe. This is the first time she took the initiative to hold my hands.

"I didn't mean it. I...He...I promise I didn't know that it will lead to this. I agreed to keep the promise without thinking about the consequences. If you think that I'm selfish and not worthy of your forgiveness, it's fine. Just please forgive Raymond. Forgive him and start a new life. ", her words passed quickly. Tears fell from her eyes.

"Wait. Calm down, Alexa.", I tried to soothe her down. I clasped her face in my hands. Her eyes looked straight at mine, filled with suffering.

My thumb brushed her cheeks, wiping away the tears that fell earlier.

She raised her hand to hold mine, which is a shocking move. Her hand touching mine squeezed my strong hands tightly.

"How? How can I calm down if I know that I am one of the reasons why they're on bad terms?", she asked.

"The problem between Raymond and Elena isn't yours to carry. The things you blame yourself, Remove it! Stop being like this." The tone of my voice is different, more like worried.

My words came out as a plea, begging her. She slowly absorbed my words and began to calm down.

The cold wind blew inside the room, making the covers flutter. The window is open, making the curtains move as the wind passes by.

I was about to go down to close it when Alexa stopped me. Her arms are wrapped around my neck, pinning me in place. I gazed at her blue eyes.

Her eyes are still wet from crying.

I reached for her hair and swept some of her hair to the side, putting them at the back of her ears to have a good look at her.

She bit her lower lip as she gazed at my eyes. I don't know what's going on in her brain but I have a bad hunch about it.

"Why are being so kind to me? What am I to you?"

These questions made me quiet for a moment. I tried avoiding her stares but she clasped both of her hands at my face, preventing me to look the other way.

"I know that I have been mean to you and I didn't treat you well... I'm sorry about that.", Alexa started.

Her fingers gently supported my face. I don't know what reaction my face is showing to her. I don't have any clue because right now, things are going the way I didn't expect them to go.

I swallowed before speaking to her.

"Alexa. You're drunk. Let's stop this conversation and go to sleep. Don't worry. I'll go sleep in my room so that you won't -"

"No! You're staying here.", she said.

" Alexa, you're not you today. It's giving me the creeps."

"People say that if I'm drunk, I tend to be honest. Why don't you grab this opportunity to know me better?"

I can't believe that Alexa told me her secret about being drunk! Did she plan this thing in the first place?

Whatever this is, I think it's bad news.

"What do you want me to know?"

She was quiet for a few minutes.

The silence is deafening.

"I want you to know how much your presence makes me feel better. Before, I don't want to be with anyone. But ever since we met, all I think about is you. Sometimes, I ask myself 'What is Christian doing today?', 'Has he been eating well?', or ' Is he going back to class?'"

"I don't know why I'm thinking of you. It's crazy, right?", she smiled at me, her cheeks showing a dimple.

" You started to be someone who pisses me off to someone very special to me. So please, answer my question. What am I to you?"

I think I'm going nuts. I am someone special to her?! No way!!!

Right now, I am so glad.

I pulled her for a hug, her body landing on mine. I can feel her body being a bit tense, but she adapted quickly.

She hugged me back, her face buried at my chest. I can feel her breathing in my scent. I don't know if I should be happy or horrified right now.

I kissed her forehead softly.

She didn't kick me or hurt me in any way. She just let me do what I want to do to her.

"Alexa... I love you...", I began.

" But my love for you is something unrequited. I know that you love someone else. He is still your boyfriend and I have no protest to it."

Alexa looked straight at me, pouting. Her cheeks look so tempting to touch. I have to fight the urge to touch them.

I touched her head instead and gave it a stroke.

"Don't worry. I'll be here for you all of the time."

She beamed with happiness.

Her sudden smile made me smile too. Even if it hurts, I can still be happy...

My feelings will fade? I guess it grew. I want to be with her more. I want her happiness more than mine. Love is making me turn crazy.

"If I had a chance to make her mine, I will do everything I can."

For her, I'll smile...

Just for her...

And only her...

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