Chapter 29

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Christian's POV

The class was over and I was on my way home, still imagining Alexa's sleeping face. Thankfully, I pictured her face so that when I am in a bad mood, my mood will be back to a happy state. The picture itself will make me recall her presence that will make me feel warm inside.

A hand grabbed me, making me stop walking. Suspecting that it is someone that I don't know, I prepared myself to attack.

"Christian, you are mean.", Chezka's voice doesn't show any hint of happiness or satisfaction.

Oh. It is just Chezka. My body quickly relaxed from sudden tension.

" Chezka, what are you doing here? You should be attending your extra classes."

"I don't want to. Have you forgotten my problem?", she frowned at me, indicating that she isn't happy with my actions.

I almost forgot our conversation that night. It slipped out of my mind.

" Sorry.", I muttered.

She held my free hand, her fingers intertwined with mine. This sensation is a lot different from Alexa's touch.

"Stay by my side.", she pleaded. Her lips twitched, muttering those words that made me froze.

I nodded. My happy expression was now cold. Holding her hand is making me uncomfortable, but I have to do this. I promised her.

I know that I have the right to protest, but I can't let Chezka go through this alone.

Last night, Chezka begged me to help her. Her life is in danger and she needs help from me. I need to act like her boyfriend, that we are deeply in love with her. The crazy stalker is the person I blamed for this situation I am in. If he doesn't exist, then I wouldn't be holding hands with my childhood friend.

While walking on the even road, I looked at Chezka. She looks tough on the outside. But I know that she is trying to maintain that image of hers to protect herself.

Once that stalker is gone, I will be able to go back to my usual self and not pretend to be taken. Gripping her hand tightly, I was determined to quickly find this stalker and make him stop tailing Chezka. After that, things will go back to the way they were.


Elena's POV

I can't believe what I just saw. Christian and Chezka are holding hands?! If I am a stranger, I wouldn't doubt that the two of them are dating. But why would he do that?

I was about to follow them when a hand yanked me at my collar, pinning me at my place. " Let me go, Felicity!", I said eager to spy.

"Just leave them be. Do you want others to do disturb and intrude on your private life?", she asked me calmly.

" Of course, not. However, there is something wrong here. I can feel it!"

"What is wrong if the two of them would be dating? Does this fact affect your future?"

I sighed. I can't reason out with her especially when she is confident at her conclusion. " What if I don't want them to be dating?", I weakly told her.

Her calm expression shifted from an alarmed one. "You like Christian?!"

There she goes again. "No! You got it wrong! Do you think that I will love that guy? Besides, I prefer him dating Alexa than that creepy friend of his."

"So, that is the reason why you want to stalk them? You aren't doing this for yourself but for Alexa who was your enemy and now a friend?"

Looking at Felicity's face, I decided to tell her the truth. "I can't be mad at her forever for something that she did in the past. Anyway, I'm glad to be on good terms with her. I also see her as my younger sister."

"What about me?", Felicity asked.

" You are my big sister, my best friend, and the person who knows me fully. Even if I gain and meet other people, make friends, and spend time with them, that doesn't make them any more special than you."

Looking away from me, I knew that she was flustered at my response.

"You can't take that back anymore.", she said in a very quiet tone, her face pleased.

" Never."
With that said, Felicity gave me the sweetest hug she could ever give to me.

"So, could you help me tail Christian and Chezka?", I gasped between the hugs she gave me.

" I will do what I can. But I'm not going to tail them all day long. I'm just going to be there while you're stalking them."

"You are trying to be on the safe side, "I groaned. I was even hoping to have her assistance.

" Maybe Yes, Maybe Not," she gave me the snickering look that pisses me off. Now, knowing that she might lend me some help, all that I need to do is create a plan.


Alexa's POV

Sitting in my chair, I played with my pencil due to boredom. Spinning it at my desk, I ignored the things happening around the classroom. There are a few months left before we graduate which means, my suffering will someday be over.

When I graduate, my Father will be there. Seeing him at my graduation means the world to me since he is extremely busy with his work at the company, being the Chief Executive Officer of a company. He doesn't even tell me the name of the company due to personal reasons. Not that I am interested to be working for that company, but sometimes, I am curious. Well, I can't help it.

Checking my watch, I looked at the door impatiently. Christian is late today.

I still looked at the door, imagining that he will magically appear. I sighed. Have I stooped to this level of stupidity right now? He wouldn't just appear magically because magic isn't real. It only happens in fictional books.

I folded my arms and decided to look at the garden and count the leaves that are falling.

One brown leaf...



Another leaf fell...

As this leaf fell, it twirled, blocking the faces of 2 people who have just entered the school gate. My leaf counting went to a full stop when I looked closely at the 2 people.

The brown hair of the girl fluttered as she skipped, her hands being held by the black-haired boy.


Christian and Chezka?! The heck... Why are they holding hands?!


Sorry if this chapter is short.


Short Distance - The Time You Came (On-Going)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang