Chapter 30

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Alexa's POV

My brain suddenly got disconnected and my jaw dropped open from this sudden surprise. Right now, my brain is creating tons of hypotheses, making me lose my marbles.

"Alexa!" I almost jumped from my seat. The unexpected call of Elena made my soul almost leave my body.

"W-what is it?", I stuttered.

"What is wrong with you? I kept on calling you and you don't seem to hear it."

Oh. I didn't hear her call me. "Sorry."

She looked calm but her face looks like she was a bit disturbed.

I ignored her unusual facial reaction. "What do you want to tell me?", I asked her.

Now she looks hesitant. " There is something that you and I have to talk about. Do you have plans after school?"

"I don't.", I honestly replied.

She sighed and smiled. Her smile doesn't show happiness. More on a smile indicating satisfaction.

" That's good. Meet me later at the library."

"Ok. See you later.", I said, waving my hand gently in the air. She waved back before sitting back in her seat.

What does she want to talk to me alone? This sounds like a very serious matter. It is like what detectives do when they meet up in a safer place where no one can hear their conversation.

Oh, shoot! I almost forgot about Christian and Chezka! I went back to the window, my eyes searching for the two of them.

They're gone? Wait, hold up. Am I just imagining things? Gosh, I might be seeing things right now. There is no way that Christian will be dating Chezka. That is a fact.

" Hey, Alexa."

I smiled and looked at Christian. Finally, he is here. "Hey."

Class started shortly, but the blurry image of Christian and Chezka still remained in my head. I question myself if it is real or it is just my imagination.

What if it's real? What will I do? What will I feel?

Will I feel jealous or happy? Will I still approach him normally or will I have a hard time being with him?

I don't know unless all of the questions have been answered. Whatever happens, I hope that I won't do something that I will regret in the end. I have lots of regrets and I don't want to add another one to my list.

After a few hours, the class has ended. I stretch at my seat. Sitting too much makes my body scream to stand up and do some stretches. Right now, no one is left in the classroom except me. They all went and attended their activities or some went home already.

Putting all my notebooks and pens inside my bag, I recalled what Elena told me.

Now, I feel a bit nervous and scared about what she is going to tell me. I pinched my arm to keep me awake. I'm so sleepy right now but I have to meet Elena. This wouldn't take much of my time.

I zipped my bag and wore it at my back, walking carefully at the newly mopped floor. I don't want to slip and then fall headfirst on the stairs. That will hurt a lot.

Walking down the stairs, I can hear 2 people talking.

"Chezka, you sure that you don't want me to watch you play volleyball? I wouldn't distract you. I promise.", he said softly.

This voice. Without looking at the person's face, I automatically knew that the person who is speaking is no other than Christian. I held the handrail tightly, gripping in with all my might to prevent me from going insane.

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