chapter three

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wilbur glanced towards dream's basement again. "hey but what's down there" he questioned

dream stared at wilbur "nothing. don't worry about it." wilbur ignored dream and began to walk down the stairs. "wait wilbur i told you to not worry about it." wilbur still ignored draem

"come on technoblade time to go see the basement." technoblade nodded solemnly and followed wilbur down the stairs. "wait but shouldn't we wait for tony and tubbo" technoblade asked.

wilbur smiled "no."

tommy and tubbo were driving through the streets of kansas city, and they had managed to pick up fundy on the way. "what are we doing tommy." fundy said

"we are going to join smp live, fundy." tomy answered loudly.

tubbo's reaction was delayed, but he squinted his eyes and turned to tommy, "wait but tommy isn't smp live over? how are we going to join something that doesn't exist"

tommy backhanded tubbo in a friendly way "no tubbo it still exists they just don't want twitter to know that because twitter stans have no morals." tubbo nodded "oh of course."

tommy slammed on the brakes and sent fundy, who wasn't wearing his seatbelt, flying through the windshield and onto the pavement in front of them. "we're here." tommy announced. fundy remained unmoving. tubbo looked around "wait tommy isn't this just detroit."

tommy eyed tubbo, "yes it is smp live. see there is ryan krinios and callmecarson"

"oh my god it is ryan krinios and callmecarson." tubbo gasped. ryan krinios and callmecarson were standing above fundy's unmoving form on the bloodied pavement. tommy exited the bmw "hello ryan krinios and callmecarson, we are joining smp live."

callmecarson looked up at tommy, "okay but what happened to fundy."

tommy frowned "i'm not sure, but he's fine. just leave him there and he'll be better in no time."

"i thought you joined dream's smp" ryan krinios said.

tommy nodded "oh we did but dream is strange and i do not like him so we are joining smp live now."

callmecarson stared blankly at tommy "you stole wilbur and schl*tt from us"

"not my fault" tommy shrugged.

"well after joining smp live you can never go back to dream's smp. are you good with that?" callmecarson asked

tommy nodded vigorously, "yes." and then his vision went black and he crumpled to the ground below.

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