chapter 25

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it was a normal car ride.

skeppy had pretty much made everyone so upset that they were at each other's throats, whilst tubbo tried to negotiate between the opposing sides. of course, none of his attempts were given any positive feedback.

skeppy and tommy were constantly arguing over the smallest things, with snaplash butting in now and then to make some snarky comment. bad, on the other hand, was completely mute. he hadn't said a single thing since he and sapnap had had a "chat" in the basement. however, nobody, not even skeppy, seemed to worry about his silence whatsoever. they just dusted it off as him being more focused on driving than the consistent bickering.

skeppy turned around and yelled at tommy, "stop kicking my seat!"

"i'm not doing anything!" tommy yelled back as he hurriedly stopped kicking skeppy's seat.

skeppy turned back around, making some kind of sound similar to that of a dog growling. "oh you're so dead."

"you seem to have a history with threatening kids, don't you?" dappernap sneered haughtily.

this made skeppy slam his hands on the glovebox and grab fistfuls of his hair out of aggravation. "just shut the fuck up, oh my god!" skeppy's small outburst was followed by about a minute of silence; a nice change from the nonstop noise.

until tommy started kicking skeppy's seat again.

skeppy whipped his whole body around this time, raising his hand to slap tommy. tommy screamed and brought his arms up to protect himself as skeppy began his onslaught. tubbo tried to get in between skeppy and tommy to stop the both of them from catfighting, while wapwap started shaking tubbo and shouting words of encouragement at the two who were progressively getting more and more aggressive.

the sudden commotion in the back of the car caused bad to swerve dangerously close to the edge of the road. everybody flew to the right side of the moving vehicle, making skeppy hit his head on the window and tubbo and sapbap come crashing into tommy, smashing him against the door.

"get the fuck off of me you fatasses!" tommy yelled with his face pressed against the window. as the weight in the car was shifted to the right, one of the front wheels came off the road. bad panicked, trying his best to get all four tires back on the road.

as if on cue, bad's eyes rolled back, his head lolling sideways and his hands losing their grip on the wheel. skeppy's breath caught in his throat as he lunged for the wheel that bad had no control over anymore. as soon as he had a good hold on it, he turned the wheel sharply to the left, causing the car's tires to spin out uncontrollably.

bad—whose mouth was now foaming—had his foot set on the throttle, adding pressure and causing the car to start turning into a spin as he slipped further into unconsciousness.

"fuck, bad," skeppy screamed, "wake the hell up!"

the pickup behind them seemed to have been paying little mind to the possibilities of all of this happening, and slammed straight into the left side of bad's car, resulting in the car door that tommy was leaning against flying open.

tommy's yelp of surprise was quickly cut off as he was flung out, his seat belt catching him violently by the throat.

tubbo watched in shock as tommy clawed at the polyester wrapped around his neck, stopping any air from reaching his lungs. his lower half dangled out of the car, painfully scraping against the asphalt road.

skeppy turned the wheel again, this time directing the car off the road and sending them rolling into the ditch. skeppy's head was flung forward by the sudden force, hitting the dashboard and instantly breaking his nose.

tubbo was thrown around the back of the car as it came to an upside-down stop, most definitely receiving a considerable amount of bruises and cuts.

then everything seemed to still. the car had come to a halt, and nobody in it was actively moving.

skeppy weakly lifted his head from the roof—now the floor—of the car, blood spilling from his nose at a rapid pace and covering his face.

his eyes landed on bad, who he could barely tell was himself. his face was extremely bloodied and covered in froth, his skin underneath being cold to the touch. bad was most certainly dead.

"oh my god oh my god oh my god," skeppy breathed. "what the fuck."

skeppy doubled backward, opening the door behind him and falling onto the grass and shattered glass outside.

tubbo laid unconscious, but still breathing next to tommy in the grass. seaweed was nowhere to be seen. skeppy grimaced and stumbled towards them, limping slightly. he moved to shake tommy's shoulders but shuddered and flinched away as he realized tommy's neck lay at an unnatural angle, still wrapped in the seat belt. instead, he grabbed tubbo's leg and began to drag him away from the scene.

tubbo groaned in protest, feebly trying to kick skeppy away from him.

skeppy's breath quickened, noticing the flames that were quickly consuming the vehicle. "come on tubbo, we've gotta get out of here."

tubbo's eyelids fluttered open, suddenly sitting up and looking around in panic. "what about tommy? and bad? and saajsp? skeppy?"

skeppy let go of tubbo's leg, ushering him away from the wreck. "we can't do anything about them, tubbo. we just have to leave."

"no," tubbo shouted. "we can't leave them!"

skeppy glared at him, pain glazing his eyes. "yes," he said sternly, "we can." tubbo ignored skeppy, standing up and running back towards the car.

as soon as he took one step closer to it, it burst into flames, forcing both him and skeppy to cower back to the ground.

skeppy grasped tubbo's shoulder and shook him lightly. tubbo stared at the inferno in front of the two, the flames glittering in his tear-filled gaze like miniature suns.

"let's go, tubbo."

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