chapter 28

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"let go of me!" tubbo screamed, throwing weak punches at skeppy.

skeppy gritted his teeth as he grabbed the younger's wrist, spinning him all the way around and tightening him in a headlock. tubbo immediately started thrusting his elbows backward, landing harsh blows on skeppy's stomach.

skeppy wrapped his other arm around tubbo, catching his arm as it came close to smashing into his rib cage. "fuck-" skeppy sucked in air through his teeth, struggling to keep tubbo from thrashing around, "stop."

skeppy's attempts were only met with more struggling, forcing him to throw tubbo to the ground and hold his hands behind his back.

tubbo twisted his body, trying to get back up. "get off!" he caterwauled. skeppy didn't loosen his pressure on tubbo, making the brunette start screaming unrelentingly.

skeppy's eyes widened, quickly grabbing tubbo's head and forcing it into the ground. tubbo's screams became muffled, but persisted. "shut the fuck up, tubbo." skeppy shrilled. "we can't do anything, and even if we could, you aren't helping." he pushed tubbo's head further into the ground, smudging damp dirt on the boy's face.

tubbo's screams gradually grew quiet, turning into small whimpers. skeppy waited several moments before letting tubbo go completely, standing up and dusting off his pants. but tubbo stayed where he was; face planted in the ground, fists rolled into tight balls, holding onto the grass as if it would suddenly disappear beneath him.

skeppy's gaze softened in sympathy towards the other. "look, i'm sorry," he mumbled, "i really am." tubbo's grip on the grass loosened slightly. skeppy kneeled down once again, hesitating and placing a hand on tubbo's upper arm. "i know you're upset, and i realize what i'm saying probably isn't helping, but you have to get up."

tubbo trembled, pushing himself off the ground at last. skeppy took in a sharp breath as tubbo ripped up the grass he was still holding, back turned to skeppy.

"why?" tubbo said quietly.

skeppy stared at him, "what?"

tubbo shifted around, now facing skeppy. his cheeks were stained with muddy tears, his eyes puffy and red from crying. "why? why do i have to get up?" tubbo said in a monotone voice. skeppy opened his mouth to respond but closed it again right after.

"the only reason we were in that car was to bring me and t-tommy back home." tubbo said hoarsely, his voice raising slightly. "so answer my question: why do i have to get up?"

skeppy struggled to form a proper sentence. "well, uhm, b-because-"

"tommy is dead, skeppy." tubbo sobbed, a fresh wave of tears flooding his eyes, obscuring his vision. "if you don't have an answer, then i do." skeppy watched tubbo, leaning away from him out of the slight twinge of fear he felt. "the only reason i have to get up is to make you feel better. and you know what? i'm done." tubbo made eye contact with skeppy, the coldness of his stare freezing time itself. "done being selfless. done giving myself up voluntarily just because i 'feel bad' for somebody else."

skeppy squinted, a look of disgust crossing his face. "well i can tell you're not being selfless anymore. you're being anything but selfless. because, if you haven't realized, the fact that you're lingering over your friend being fucking dead is one of the most selfish things anyone can do. you aren't mourning over the death of somebody you were close to, you're pitying yourself. how fucking stupid is that? how fucking stupid are you?"

tubbo stood up, taking a step towards skeppy. "so you're saying i can't be sad? is that it? you're telling me i can't be human? that i can't feel emotions?" he shouted, his voice shaking. "you aren't remotely upset over anything that just happened? you aren't sad that you just saw the corpse of your closest friend?"

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