chapter five

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tommy woke slowly, groaning as he tried to shift to a more comfortable position. he struggled, but managed to pry open his eyes. he was met with a blindingly bright white light being shone in his face. tommy heard somebody mutter something and turn off the light.

"hey, you're finally awake." a large group of people said simultaneously.

he adjusted to the dimly lit room, seeing callmecarson and cooper standing closest to him, countless other figures tommy couldn't make out yet standing behind them. his legs and arms were poorly tied to a cold metal chair. he could easily escape, but he decided to see what was going to happen to him first. "hi" tommy managed to blurt out.

he heard a small greeting from inside the group of people, but cooper quickly turned around and scolded whoever had spoken. callmecarson kept a straight face, "hey tommy. uhm, uh. we need you to agree to some things before you join smp live."

"okay, but-"

tommy was cut off as callmecarson thrust a piece of paper into his lap. tommy read it carefully, but after a reading a few sentences, he looked back up at callmecarson with a puzzled expression. callmecarson scratched the back of his neck, "yeah uh the printer ran out of ink. just sign it."

tommy narrowed his eyes in suspicion, "what am i agreeing to?"

"ion know, but i'm pretty sure most of it's legal." callmecarson said nonchalantly. with that, tommy shrugged and signed the paper. cooper took it from him and set it over on a cheap centerfold party table in the corner of the cramped area, then signaled towards somebody else at the other side of the room.

a high-pitched scream, followed by a loud thud echoed around the walls. somebody, who tommy recognized as joko, dragged what he assumed to be a fully conscious body into the center of the room.

"please! why'd it have to be me?" the girl screamed.

callmecarson laughed, "because it's funny." tommy now realized that the girl laying pitifully on the floor was none other than pokimane.

cooper returned to the center, holding a diamond encrusted knife. callmecarson grabbed the knife and positioned it above pokimane's heart. poki wasn't struggling, but tears were rolling down her face, and she was babbling nonsense, trying to get callmecarson to stop.

he ignored her, and plunged the knife straight into her chest, having to dislodge it from something and push it back in further as blood bubbled up from the fatal wound.

tommy watched emotionless as the life drained from poki's eyes, blood pooling around his feet now. callmecarson stood up and handed the knife back to cooper, dusting off his jeans. "hey, by the way, where's tubbo?" tommy asked.

callmecarson pointed towards the centerfold table, "oh tubbo's sitting over there. i ordered pizza if you want some.

tommy stood up and walked over to tubbo. "hey tubbo." tubbo gave tommy a thumbs up. everybody in the room laughed. "tubbo moment am i right." tommy chuckled.

they all did the renegade and then went to sleep on the ground because they were tired.

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