chapter 24

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"do you ever think about your future?"

"well, yeah, of course. why?"

"no, by future i mean, like, dying.

"oh. i guess sometimes, but not really."

"yeah, i get that."


"do you think it's normal?"


"thinking about dying."

"probably, but i'm not really one to judge. why'd you bring this up?"

"sorry if it's not something you want to talk about, it's just been on my mind recently. don't take it the wrong way, i'm not wanting to die. because then i wouldn't be able to spend time with you."


both dream and george burst out laughing, but quickly quieted themselves after remembering that sapnap was asleep. once the three had been reunited, they had all—surprisingly enough—agreed on a movie to watch. sapnap had fallen asleep twenty minutes in, and was now draped across the couch with his head resting on dream's lap, drooling slightly.

dream let out a hefty laugh. "i put my heart into that for you to just say 'ew'? i expected better."

"well what do you expect me to say? 'oh that's so sweet dream you're my best friend'?" george said in a high-pitched whisper.


george slapped a hand over his mouth as the two of them stifled laughs, being mindful of their sleeping friend.

dream smiled and sighed, leaning his head back and closing his eyes. the position he was in wasn't comfortable, but he didn't want to wake sapnap. the silence wrapped around the three friends, keeping them in its solacing cover.

"do you think sapnap's okay?" george said suddenly, changing the calming atmosphere.

"hm?" dream hummed without opening his eyes.

george looked at the outline of sapnap's shape in the darkness. "i'm just worried. you said he was scared of you. what happened to him to make him think you're somebody you're not?"

dream didn't respond. in reality, he couldn't answer that question. sapnap's reaction to seeing dream had hurt him. it had hurt him more than he'd let the both of the people in the room know. having your friend not recognize you, or be afraid of you at the least, is one of the worst things you can experience. that's why dream had been thinking about death. would it be any different? would anybody care if you disappeared from their lives?

i would.

dream tensed. go away.

"dream?" george said, worry evident in his voice.

dream opened his eyes and looked over at george. "what did you ask? sorry."

george shrugged off dream's behavior and repeated himself. "what do you think happened to sapnap while we were out?"

dream blinked at george, then glanced down at sapnap, who was still asleep. "i don't know. maybe- never mind."

"maybe what?" george narrowed his eyes.

dream avoided looking at the two other people looking at him. "nothing. i just think, well, maybe what sapnap told me was true. he sounded genuine."

"what did he tell you? you never said anything about that."

"he said bad was here with skeppy, tommy and tubbo." dream said.

george squinted at dream. "what? when did they have time to get here? and when were they here with sapnap?"

dream shook his head. "i don't know, but he seemed so convinced of it. i think maybe we should listen to him though." dream made eye contact with the other person across the room, frowning.

"listen to him how?" george questioned.

dream moved his gaze back to george. "we'll ask him when he wakes up."

george stared at dream. "why do you keep looking over there?" he pointed to where dream had just been looking.

"what? i've been looking at you. it's dark in here, you're probably just seeing things." dream blurted.

george laughed, "i'm not the one going crazy here, dream."

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