c hapter TWENTY!

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wilbur was the first to stand up, offering technoblade his hand shortly after. "alright, we'd better find a way out of here. i think this place is messing with us."

"and whose idea was it to come here in the first place, hm?" technoblade took his friend's hand and was pulled off the brick floor.

wilbur rolled his eyes and laughed, "definitely not mine."

techno scoffed, "sure."

with behind them being a dead end—made of the same red rock—they started to gradually navigate the empty corridors. but to no avail, the two brunettes discovered nothing of use. well, nothing at all. they wouldn't know if they had happened to stumble across something that would help them be on their way out of the hellish dimension.

pacing the ominous purple-ish "castle" for what must have been hours left techno hopeless, so wilbur agreed to stop and sit for the time being. wilbur had come across a balcony-like area, which he deemed to be a good spot to stop.

as soon as they were slumped against the balcony railing, techno placed his head in his hands and groaned. "we're never gettin' out of here, will."

wilbur glanced at techno worriedly. "oh i don't think that that's true." he said.

wilbur's gaze swept the balcony view. his eyes lit up and he pointed across the endless sea of lava below them. "look; there's something we haven't seen."

techno squinted as he followed wilbur's finger. "a forest? how's that possible?"

"not sure," wilbur smiled mischievously, "but that's only more reason to check it out."

a ghost of a smile passed across techno's face as he nodded and stood up. "alright, you've got me hooked." wilbur watched as technoblade disappeared around the corner. a moment later, his head poked back around the brick wall, laughing at wilbur. "well? you comin' man?"

wilbur blinked and shook his body like a wet dog drying off. "on it, boss!" he shouted, saluting the other.

as wilbur walked closer, technoblade abruptly broke into a sprint. "race ya!" he called over his shoulder.

wilbur furrowed his brows, but picked up his pace to jog after techno. at least he's in a better mood? he thought to himself. "wait, techno! we don't know this place that well, i don't want to lose you in here!" wilbur yelled.

technoblade didn't respond as he gained distance, causing wilbur to start running faster. "c'mon! techno!" he tried again.

the two rounded a final corner and the building came to an end, leaving them to run across an open expanse of grayscale rocks covered in small pools of lava as they raced towards the red forest.

the stone below wilbur's feet seemed to be the only normal material in the area. the rocks jutted into the air like stalagmites, piercing the red sky with their ominous shapes. the small pools of lava—basically puddles—were easily avoidable, but wilbur still worried for the safety of his reckless friend, who jumped carelessly over the lava and sharp rocks ahead of him.

they had reached the homestretch, with techno still far in the lead. he turned around to will, keeping up his pace, except running backwards now. "come on, wilbur! i know you can do better than that!" techno laughed as he turned around and took the final jump into the forest, cheering midair.

but just as quickly as he had been there, he was gone. technoblade's short celebration of victory was cut off by his own scream as he fell down a sudden drop in the ground.

wilbur watched helplessly as his friend plummeted to his fiery demise.

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