chapter twenty-nine

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"what do you mean 'what's going on'?" schlatt yelled in disbelief.

dream flinched slightly, afraid that schlatt would lash out at any moment. the other person who had been with schlatt and connor previously came jogging up, smiling at dream and elbowing schlatt in an aggressive yet friendly manner. "sorry about him, he's just a little out of it today."

"nah," connor joined in, "i wouldn't say 'out of it', i'd say 'expressing an unhealthy and obsessive manner'." the other nodded in agreement, throwing schlatt a cheeky grin.

"ha ha ha." schlatt narrowed his eyes, sarcasm lacing his tongue. "yeah, totally. i'm being obsessive over a missing person, my bad."

george looked between connor and schlatt, "missing person?"

the presumably youngest one there was the first to respond. "yeah, wilbur's been missing apparently. he won't answer calls, and nobody's seen him since he went out of town." george stared at him blankly. "oh," he added quickly, "sorry! i'm ty. i thought you guys might've recognized me; i've been here a while."

"i've never been here." george said plainly.

ty looked down nervously, "oh- uhm-"

"why did he leave the city?" dream questioned, giving ty an escape from george's uncomfortable atmosphere.

ty breathed a sigh of relief, turning back to dream. "not sure, honestly. i don't think he was very happy here, so he left. i think he was set on going to see you three." ty pointed between dream, george, and sapnap, who was staring off into space as if he'd seen a ghost.

george shot dream a worried look, "do you think he could've been there with bad, tommy, tubbo, and skeppy?"

the group turned to sapnap. he didn't seem to be paying attention. "sapnap?" dream said loudly. sapnap looked at dream with eyes void of emotion. he glanced back over to where he had been staring, blinking a few times before looking back at dream. "i don't know."

sapnap looked away again, wringing his hands. dream's mouth twisted into a frown. "sap-"

"sorry guys, i'll- uh- i'll be right back." sapnap blurted in a hurry, breaking off from the other five and heading somewhere unknown.

george stared after his friend. "should i go after him?" he asked, eyeing the group and pointing towards where sapnap had left.

connor shrugged, "i mean, if you want to? i'm sure he'll be fine though, this place is kind of dead."

"well he's been acting weird since we met him back at the house." george explained, "i'm worried for him."

dream shot george a strange look, "you aren't one to talk about acting weird."


connor interrupted, "but do you guys seriously not know anything about wilbur?" dream and george shook their heads, offering no new information.

schlatt had started to argue, his voice growing quite loud, but quickly became background noise to dream. he was busy losing himself in his own thoughts.

what's happening?

you've asked that question before.

yes, but i don't remember the answer.

no response.

is sapnap okay?

right now? no.


but don't worry about that, because right now you need to-

"focus, dream. you need to focus." george said, snapping his fingers in dream's face.

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