chapter f our

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wilbur, technoblade, snanpnap and dream (who was carrying georgenotfound) carefully picked their way down the rotting wooden stairs that lead to dream's basement. dream had told them that sometimes the stairs break so they needed to be wary.

it seemed to go down for ages until wilbur saw a faint light below. "dream come on what's down here." wilbur's voice started to shake as a cold feeling swept through his body.

"keep going." was all dream replied with. wilbur complied, but slowed their steady pace. "come on wilbur, what's the worst you think dream could have down here? it's probably just a bunch of cars" shapcap widened his eyes and looked away, knowing well enough of what dream was capable of having in his basement. however, technoblade's statement seemed to calm wilbur, so snagap didn't comment.

instead, he looked back at dream "how's georgenotfound holding up back there?"

dream looked down at the air freshener he was holding in his right hand. "you okay georgenotfound?" georgenotfound did not respond. "yeah he's okay." dream smiled at the air freshener fondly.

sadchat jerked his head back up and snapped his gaze to where he last saw wilbur as the loud groaning of rotting wood sounded throughout the stairway. wilbur's eyes widened in fear as the wood splintered gave way beneath all five of them. technoblade screamed in sheer terror as they were sent plummeting at unknown speeds towards their inevitable demise.

dream's eyes traveled to the seemingly endless black abyss below the falling group. i don't remember this being a part of my basement. he thought in a moment of panic, before realizing he was still holding georgenotfound. georgenotfound knew his way around dream's house due to past events, so dream assumed he must know what was going to happen to them.

"snahme can you talk to georgenotfound? he's gotta know what's going on." dream shouted. sajlap nodded and squeezed his eyes shut in order to concentrate on his newly assigned task.

"georgenotfound come on what's going on man. are we gonna die or what?" soap said to georgenotfound.

georgenotfound responded in a rushed tone, "not unless-" he started to say, until the void flashed a bright white, and everything seemed to still.

dream squinted and adjusted to the change in setting, gasping in delight when he realized he wasn't falling anymore. "georgenotfound! that was so cool! how did"

dream was stood in an empty mono-yellow room, the buzz of fluorescent lights flooding his ears. the others were nowhere to be seen. not even georgenotfound.

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