chapter twenty-seven

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"so remind me why we're currently driving somewhere we don't even know exists at six in the morning?" george huffed, crossing his arms and looking out the window of the passenger seat.

dream had interrogated sapnap the second he had woken up, forcing them all in the car as soon as he somewhat knew what they were doing. george and sapnap whined the whole time, both wanting to go back to sleep.

"because we need to go find the others." dream said in an irritable tone. "we've been over this."

george rolled his eyes, "we've been over it, like, once. and you didn't even make any sense."

"yeah," sapnap joined in, "and why did we have to leave so early? is this really that urgent?" since he had the whole back seat to himself, sapnap was carelessly sprawled across the faux leather seats, flailing his arms in unintelligible motions as he spoke.

george shot a 'he's got a point' look at dream. dream narrowed his eyes and shook his head, looking back at the road ahead of them. "because if we didn't leave when you were both awake, it would've taken me two fucking days to wake you up again.

"plus, why the hell would those four be at my house and not have me know that they were even in the area? does that sound normal to you?"

george looked away and sapnap sat up, shrugging. "don't know how to argue with that. you may continue."

"i planned on it." dream grumbled.

does it sound normal to you?

dream's breath quickened. no.

and why's that?

"what's going on over there?" george's voice cut through dream's fogging mind.

dream slowed down, squinting to see what george was talking about. just ahead, a few cars were pulled over next to a white pickup with a busted hood. however much it may have looked like the pickup had rear-ended somebody, none of the other cars seemed to be damaged in the slightest.

as they passed the 'crash site', sapnap met the pickup driver's gaze. even though their eyes were covered by a pair of sunglasses, the unbroken eye contact unsettled sapnap. it felt like they were looking right through his mind.

but that's the thing. the paranoia that had sunk its claws into the minds of the three in the car sparked, igniting as the lightning of a cold, unforgiving stare struck.

it didn't make sense. were the driver's hands covered in blood or was it just the delusion of somebody who had been to humanity's so-called paradise and back? the empty feeling of dread and fear controlled them. was there a way out?

sapnap blinked, looking away. "huh. weird."

"the person who got hit probably drove away already. who knows how long ago that happened." george reasoned.

dream tilted his head, then nodded slowly. "makes sense."

sapnap furrowed his brows, looking down at his hands. were they bloody too? no, that's not possible. yet what he was seeing told otherwise.

"sapnap?" dream called behind him.

sapnap looked up, startled, then back at his hands. nothing. "what."

"is that it?" dream took one hand off the wheel to point ahead. sapnap stared at the city ahead for a few moments before replying with a small "yes".

the group went silent as they drove the rest of the way, making it into the somehow familiar-looking city. sapnap directed dream over to a parking garage, having dream pay of course.

sapnap slid out of the car, slamming the door behind him. "c'mon. if they're anywhere, they should be around here." he led the way, dream and george taking up the rear.

george leaned close to dream, speaking in a low voice. "i don't like it here, dream. something feels off."

dream looked at him worriedly, "in what way?"

"i don't know, it's just making me uncomfortable." george shrugged. "it's nothing, i guess. just forget i said anything." dream fell quiet but kept glancing at his friend every few seconds.

"hey!" sapnap shouted suddenly, waving at three people in front of a brick building. they all looked up, and dream immediately recognized the tallest one as schlatt.

schlatt strode purposefully towards the trio, one of the others—who he now recognized as connor—following closely behind. as he got closer, dream realized that his mood wasn't welcoming at all.

schlatt went straight up to dream, grabbing the neckline of his t-shirt and shoving him against the closest wall. dream opened his mouth to protest, but no words came out.

"where the fuck is he?" schlatt hissed.

dream's eyes widened in surprise, "w-what? who?"

schlatt's grip tightened, pressing dream harder against the wall. "wilbur you idiot. where is he?"

"wilbur? i don't know! i haven't seen him!" dream shouted quickly, stumbling over his words.

"bullshit." schlatt spat.

dream looked over schlatt's shoulder at george, who just exaggerated a shrug. "i really don't kn-"

"okay, schlatt," connor mumbled sheepishly, "maybe he's telling the truth, right? just give him a minute."

schlatt glared at dream for several dreadfully long seconds before letting go and stepping away. dream let out a heavy breath and ran a hand through his disheveled dark blonde hair.

"alright," dream sighed, "so what is going on?

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