chpater 18 pog!!1

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"thanks, dream."



"for what?"

"are you okay?"

dream squeezed his eyes shut, rubbing them as hard as he could without hurting himself. "yeah," he said. "i think."

he could hear george laugh uncomfortably through their discord call. "you sure? you seem kind of—how do i put this—distant?" dream frowned. "er—no. distracted, i suppose."

"and i said thanks for the wood." george decided to add after a few moments of silence.

dream froze and stifled a laugh. "the what?" he shouted loudly.

"oh my god." george said quietly, his voice muffled. presumably because he had hid his face in his hands. "you know what i mean."

did he? dream stared at his hands, which were now placed naturally on a keyboard on the desk he was sat at. he didn't recall ever having touched it before.  dream looked to the monitors in front of him. he was only met with black screens. they were empty of any images that had previously been displayed. "yeah. no problem."

"thanks, dream."

dream sucked in a breath and let george out of the hug. "you already thanked me."

"no, i didn't." george raised his eyebrows. before dream could open his mouth to reply, george grabbed his wrist and dragged him up off the dusty alleyway ground. "c'mon. it's not safe to stay in one place that long."

dream stopped, rooting himself to the ground so george couldn't pull him along any farther. "what? why? we'll be fine. this isn't baltimore or anything."

george turned and stared his friend in the eyes. "that's not what this is about. it's about you."

as they rounded the edge of the alley, dream glanced back to where they had just been laying. but just as if it had never been there, the alley was gone; replaced by a brick wall. "george."

george looked back at dream, "yes?

"what's happening? none of this is normal."

george shrugged. "nothing that you can stop."

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