chapter 12

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"y'know, i don't really remember anything until yesterday. strange, isn't it?"

georgenotfound hadn't been paying attention to what dream had been talking about since he really didn't care up until this sentence was said. it made him stop rolling across the floor and hesitate.

dream took notice, knitting his eyebrows together and frowning, "what?"

if georgenotfound wasn't a can of air freshener, he would've been very vocal about how wrong that sentence made him feel. it made him uncomfortable, like dream should've just kept quiet about the topic.

dream didn't understand, so he continued. "it's like i woke up with amnesia, but somehow i still remember everything about myself and the people i know. is that normal?"


"is there something wrong with me?"


"i don't even know if you care. should i just shut up? would that make you keep going?"


"i don't like it down here."

it's your fault we're here.

"have you been here before?"

"just shut up for two minutes, okay?"

dream stopped talking. georgenotfound turned around to see what had happened. dream was staring at georgenotfound, eyes wide. "did you just talk?" if he had, he wasn't anymore. they both stayed silent in shock for what felt like ages.


georgenotfound went cold. what did he just call me? something was wrong. something was really wrong.

a loud explosion made the two break eye contact. georgenotfound's vision went blurry, and everything went silent aside from a constant ringing. the world as they knew it started disappearing like a glitched video game, leaving nothing but the familiar void of emptiness they had seen just yesterday.

georgenotfound glanced over at dream. dream was screaming at georgenotfound, with tears welling in his eyes. but georgenotfound couldn't hear anything dream was saying.

then everything disappeared. even dream.

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