chapter eight.

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dream sat alone in one of the countless empty rooms. it'd been hours since he'd last seen anybody. or had it been days by now? he had lost track of time, not knowing whether it was am or pm.

he'd wandered for what seemed like ages through the endless rooms and corridors, sometimes coming across doors, yet none of them were unlocked.

either dream was going insane, or this all felt normal. normal to not understand what's going on around him. normal to regret the choices he's made in is past. normal to be alone.

except he wasn't alone. he had himself and his friend. that was enough for dream. as long as he knew he wasn't putting the others in danger by being near them, he was fine. although sometimes his friend made him feel otherwise. his friend made dream feel lonely oddly enough. his friend told him he was a burden. his friend was always around when nobody else was. dream understood that what his friend says was for the best; that he tells the truth, and the truth must be heard.

the creeping feeling of somebody watching dream crawled into his mind. he turned around slowly, scanning his surroundings thoroughly. nobody was there. unless...

"georgenotfound!" dream shouted in delight, standing up and racing over towards where the can of air freshener lay. "oh my god, do you know where everyone else is? i've been looking forever."

georgenotfound did not respond. dream let out a frustrated sigh. of course he didn't, he can't talk still. dream needed to find hapsap, and he needed to find him as fast as possible. "it's okay georgenotfound, it's not your fault. just hang in there, kay?"

once again, dream begun pacing the rooms in search of the friends he had lost.

georgenotfound wanted to scream at dream, telling him everything he knew, but alas, he couldn't. he was still a can of air freshener. but maybe, just maybe, he could find a way to communicate with dream. georgenotfound put all his focus towards making an advancement in communication from that point onward.

dream stopped in his tracks as he felt the slightest movement in his hand. he looked down at georgenotfound, gasping as he realized he had moved by himself. georgenotfound begun shaking violently, making dream drop him and let georgenotfound hit the ground with a light thump.

without wasting any time, georgenotfound began to roll across the damp carpet, turning back to look at dream as if he wanted him to follow. dream complied, and quickly began to pad after georgenotfound, hope swelling in his chest.

maybe we will find the others and get out of here. dream thought, eyes shining.

but his friend knew that dream's thoughts were far from the truth.

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