chapter eleven

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the entire car ride was silent. tubbo and tommy would make eye contact every minute or so, neither wanting to break the silence.

skeppy, on the other hand, didn't trust the boys for a second. something seemed off about the atmosphere of smp live. the fact that tubbo and tommy had joined them didn't sit well in his mind. it wasn't right.

several months prior, dream smp didn't exist. neither did the idots. it had just been smp live and smp earth—alongside hermitcraft, but that group was secluded, and nobody really knew anything about them.

smp earth's numbers had been dwindling for unknown reasons, so they had decided to join smp live in hopes of saving the both of them. of course, it hadn't gone as planned, and smp live had to "end". they cut off all communication to the outside world, leaving no trace. anybody who had gotten close to the truth as to why this all happened had went missing, so everybody had just given up. smp live was an enigma.

until dream smp came into existence. somehow wilbur had managed to weasel his way out of smp live and take refuge in dream smp, causing quite an uproar.

oddly enough, smp live stayed silent. no attempts to get wilbur back, no moment of outrage, no full-scale war. nothing. everything stayed the way it had been for the past couple months. neither tubbo nor tommy knew of most of this. or so everyone thought.

that's why skeppy was skeptical of their recent actions. who would leave dream smp in hopes of joining smp live; the smp thats caused countless missing persons cases? something wasn't right.

"so," tommy finally spoke, making skeppy swerve slightly. "how's it been, big s?"

skeppy side-eyed tommy, "fine."

tommy inhaled deeply as if he was about to say more, but went quiet with a small "right".

skeppy sighed, "listen, guys. have you seen anything, i don't know, out of the usual during your stay at smp live?"

tommy stared out the window, recalling previous events. they let us in simply enough, made us sign a paper, murdered pokimane in a blood sacrifice, gave us free pizza and drinks...

tommy shook his head, "no, not that i've seen at least. what about you, tubbo?" tommy turned around to see tubbo shake his head as well, then turned back around. "nope, sorry skep. why? ya think they've got something to do with bad?"

"no. well, i don't think so. but i can't be sure. i need whatever info i can get." he lied.

tommy smiled, "we'll be sure to help you in any way we can. we are friends after all, right?"

skeppy didn't react.

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