chapter twnety-2

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tommy and tubbo exchanged uncomfortable looks as they stood in the foyer of dream's house, waiting for bad and sappans. skeppy stood opposite of them, shooting sharp glances—secretly hoping it would make them drop dead on the spot. as long as he wasn't charged with murder, of course.

at long last, the tense trio heard a faint creak from the direction of the oh-so famous basement stairs. bad and sadrat had just come up from the stairs, both walking towards the others with very different facial expressions.

sampnap looked perfectly happy, smiling and waving at skeppy, who stared at him with a disgusted look. bad, on the other hand, looked absolutely terrified. every time sycamore would move, bad would flinch away.

tommy and tubbo shared a 'something isn't right' moment, so tommy cleared his throat loudly. "well-" his voice cracked, making tubbo cringe sympathetically. "well then. let's get going, shall we?"

"hell yeah!" saps said, throwing his hands up in the air. "who's driving?"

the group stared at him for a moment before skeppy broke the silence. "we have two cars here you know. i was thinking i would just take bad and leave you guys." he said in a monotone voice.

"wow, rude." tommy threw in unnecessarily.

skeppy opened his mouth to retort, but sapnya interrupted him. "you have nothing else to do, so why not spend time with your two favorite people?" he said, pointing to him and bad. "isn't that right, bad?" bad nodded immediately, his face going pale when his name was said.

"you're not one of my fa-" skeppy began, but was interrupted by sapnpa again.

"great!" he shouted. "so where are we off to, captain?"

"wai-er-" skeppy stuttered, looking between bad and snaopn in confusion. "well, uhm, okay. i guess to go drop these two idiots back at the nuthouse?" he decided, gesturing towards tommy and tubbo.

tommy gasped in offense, "hey! it's not a nuthouse."

"and we aren't idiots." tubbo added proudly.

tommy nodded, "that too."

bad quickly looked at spansp worriedly, receiving a harsh nudge in return. "sounds good!" snappy said eagerly. "let's get going!" bad looked to the ground, ignoring skeppy, who was now staring at him. "is bad okay?" he asked.

sepnap looked to him with narrowed eyes, making eye contact that made skeppy shudder unexpectedly. "he's fine." he said plainly.

"o-okay." skeppy choked out nervously.

nap shook his head, lifting his free hand—with his right hand being latched onto bad's bruised wrist—to rub his temple. "this headache is killing me." he groaned. tubbo noticed bad tense. "anyways," sashimi said, returning to a cheerful tone. "we should get going. no use in wasting time standing here and doing nothing, huh?"

he dragged bad out the door, and skeppy followed the seemingly unstable pair shortly after. as soon as they were alone, tubbo tugged tommy's sleeve, the two leaning closer together so they could lower their voices. "something's up with those two, tommy. it's like bad's scared of dapsap."

tommy watched the three outside walk down the pathway towards skeppy's car. "i noticed. but he wouldn't do anything to bad, would he? i know he can be pretty shitty sometimes, but it's not like him to be anywhere near mean to bad."

a car honking made the two jump, alerting them that they needed to leave. "just be careful around hadsap, okay?" tommy said.

tubbo smiled at his friend. "i will. i promise."

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