Chapter 27

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"She's out of danger."

The faint words came to my ears, and again I surged into a deep sleep.

"Will she be okay?"

"It's all my fault. I should have helped her."

"It's not Callista's fault, Heath."

"Please wake up, Calli."

A warmth spread through mine, more like I was in flames which suddenly make jolt from my sleep. My head became dizzy and it hurt like hell. I pulled my hand away and blinked my eyes to expect darkness.

But, instead my eyes registered complete white.

Am I in Heaven? Where am I? What happened to Rose? The baby? Heath?

The last thought made me abruptly sit and a pain shot throughout my body.


Someone yelled, but I could barely register the voice as I winced in pain. Though it seemed like Anna.

The pain was horrible, my legs, arms, abdomen, everywhere, it hurt like hell. I winced again as I tried to lie down, but failed miserably. A few hands came my way and I flinched back.

The room went silent.

I took several deep breaths, to make my heart calm down. It was useless, as panic started to seep through my body as I remembered the abuse, harassment and rape. I flinched just thinking of it.

"She needs to calm down."

I moved my head to find the source of the voice and saw seven people standing with a mixture of sad, shocked and calm expression in their face. They were in stances as if they were the Cullens and I was the danger.

I again breathed deeply and stared at them, gauging everyone's expression individually.

Rose and Anna looked at me with a pitiful expression, which I decided I didn't like it even a bit. I hated pity, especially, when it was directed by my best friend. Ace, Chris and the two nurses both held a look of shock.

What I appreciated most was that the doctor held a look of calmness and understanding but there was that one person also standing, whose name made me awake.

And his expression shocked me, though my body was still hurting.

He was angry. And at me, I was sure of.

My brothers – Ace and Chris came forward but I flinched back. The hurt was evident in their eyes, but, I didn't want to be touched.

I was disgusted at myself. Disgusted at my body, at everything, so, I rubbed my arms and cheeks, tugged at my hair, harshly.

I probably looked mad, but I didn't care.

Every fiber in my body was disgusting to me.

"I don't think she has Amnesia."

I looked up to the doctor to see him, approaching me. I instantly started to panic.

Bells rang in my ear, I felt myself becoming dizzy and black spots in front of me. I could barely register as the heart monitor beeped frantically.

Anna rushed to me, hugging me timidly and everything became clear in an instant.

"The women stay in the room. I'll ask her questions, from far." The doctor firmly said to everyone.

Everyone, except the doc, Anna and Rose left the room.

I breathed a lot of air, as if somehow, the oxygen supply in this room was magically filled up. But I was glad, the doc made them leave.

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