Chapter Nine: The Surprise

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When they parked in the parking lot of the surprise place, it was an ice sculpture park! They saw the guys a few park spaces away and ran around the cars to them. They hugged all of them. Then they all went inside where they paid and started with the wooden sculpture room. They were with 3 body guards so they weren’t mobbed by Directioners. They would have been without the guards. After the wooden sculpture room, they went to the stone sculptures room. There were some pretty cool sculptures. Then they went to the bronze, silver, and gold sculpture room. After seeing some awesome pieces they went to a room with ice sculptures. Each sculpture was in a glass case that was almost 0 degrees farenheit. They even saw a SpongeBob sculpture! After looking, they went to the food court for lunch. After lunch, they decided they weren’t very tired and decided to go to an art museum close by. The paintings and carvings were really unique and cool. They finished looking around the museum and drove to the apartment where the guys were staying. They passed a huge Christmas tree in the lobby and went up in the elevator to their room. They got inside and it was filled with Christmas decorations! After hanging out there and playing games and watching TV, the girls went to Tiffany’s house. They watched a few Christmas specials of their favorite shows like Jessie, Good Luck Charlie, Gravity Falls, Suit Life on Deck, and Austin and Ally TM for all shows. Then Tiffany asked Nicole to sleep over and she said yes after asking her mom. “Let me just get packed up” she said. 20 minutes later she was at the front door again. When they got settled, they went up to Tiffany’s room to watch TV. (Yes she has a TV in her room. But hey, don’t be jealous. I’M jealous of my OWN CHARECTERS.) After that they played the Wii for a bit until her parents called them down because it was time for sleep. (Nicole had dinner at her house already for Christmas dinner.) They brushed their teeth and put on their pajamas and got into their sleeping bags and fell fast asleep.


The next morning……

Nicole woke up to see Tiffany out of her sleeping bag. Then she heard the shower water running. Tiffany must have thought she could finish her shower before Nicole woke up. Just then the water turned off and she heard a loud thumping noise a few minutes later. She ran upstairs and into the bathroom to find Tiffany lying on the ground unconscious. She raced to Tiffany’s parents’ bedroom and they must not have heard the noise because they were still asleep. She shook them hard screaming “TIFFANY IS UNCONSIOUS WE NEED AN AMBULANCE!!!!!” THAT woke them up. They ran to her and her dad picked her up while her mom called the hospital. Nicole was crying while she called Niall.

*The convo*

N:What’s wrong, why are you crying Nicole?

N:ok don’t worry we’re coming!

*end of convo*

A minute later the ambulance came. They took her to the hospital with her parents in the back with her. Then the guys came and she told them to drive to the hospital. They all went there. They checked in and zoomed to her room. Harry went the fastest. They burst in. They saw Tiffany with her eyes slightly open. Harry went straight over to her. She smiled when she saw him. She motioned for him to come closer. Then they kissed and she said she felt a lot better. Everyone laughed. “The doctor said she is going to be fine. She just needs to stay overnight and then she can come home,” said her dad. “Nicole I’m sorry this all happened when you slept over. But, if you hadn’t, we wouldn’t have known what had happened that soon. And something worse could have happened. So thank you so much, you are a great friend to Tiffany. She’s lucky to have you” said her mom. “When you’re ready to leave, I can drive home to and get your stuff from inside.” “That’s ok Mrs. Duke” said Nicole. “I can stay.” The guys asked Tiffany if she would mind if they left to visit sick kids. She didn’t mind at all. She loved that they wanted to. So they left to do that. Her parents left for a few minutes to get breakfast from the lobby. Nicole stayed though.

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