Chapter 19: Save Me, Niall

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I quickly pull out my phone and call Niall again.

(Niall’s POV)

I get a call. It’s Nicole! I quickly pull out my phone and answer it.



“Are you still in a car?” I ask her.

“No, he took me to a building and locked me in the basement. Oh Niall, I don’t know where I am!” she sobs.

“Don’t worry!” I whisper.

“Save me,” she whispers.

“I-I will.” I answer with shaky words.

“He’s coming! I have to go! I love you Niall,” she tells me.

“I love you too.” I say.

She hangs up, and I collapse onto my bed sobbing. Depression crashing down on me. How can someone have done this? I feel angry, but then I just start crying again.

“Niall, you wanna go to the-’’ Louis starts to say, walking into my room. Then he sees me crying. I look up at him with my tear stained face. He rushes over to me and hugs me. I continue crying. Then, he pulls away after a few minutes. “What happened?” he asks.

“Nicole’s been kidnapped.”

He looks shocked. He opens his arms for a hug. I break loose and dive into his arms. I cry into his shoulder. Then, Harry comes in. “Boobear! You’re cheating on me!” he jokingly says to Louis. He can’t see that I’m crying. Louis looks at Harry sternly and mouths “Niall’s crying.” Harry looks surprised, and nods. He rushes towards us.

“What happened?” he asks curiously.

I pull away from Louis and stare at the floor. Then I say “Nicole’s been kidnapped.” His mouth opens, and I collapse into Harry’s arms crying again. He tries to comfort me, but I can barely hear anything. Her words echo in my mind. “Save me, save me.” She doesn’t deserve this. I already absolutely hate the man who took her. “We should tell the others,” whispers Louis. I know he’s right. I pull from Harry and nod.

        We go downstairs. I can barely see. My eyes are so misty from my tears. Zayn and Liam are talking about something at the counter when we get to the kitchen. Tiffany is in family room texting. They look up. Zayn looks at me oddly. “What’s up?” he asks. I just can’t say those three words again. I look off into another direction, ignoring him. Harry catches on and whispers “Nicole’s been kidnapped.” They let out gasps. They stand up and rush over. I look at them all and say “We have to find her.”

Liam says “But Niall, we don’t know where she is. She could be anywhere. How are we going to find her?” “If I knew, she would already be back with me!” I said rather coldly. “Sorry,” I mutter, looking down at the floor. “No, we really should find her,” he says. I look up surprised. “Liam, call the police and wait here for them,” orders Zayn. He nods, and the rest of us get into the car. Louis drives us around, looking for any sign of Nicole. We drive around for three hours, until Harry says “Niall, we’ve been searching for hours. We have to eat lunch.”

“But we need to find her!!!” I say frantically.

“We will. But we need to eat.”

I frown and half nod. Louis pulls up to McDonald’s, and we go through the drive thru. As the lady is handing Louis our food, she exclaims “Omg! You’re One Direction! Can I have your autographs???”

“Um, sorry, we’re kind of in a hurry,” Louis says quickly.

“Oh, well, have a nice day then!” she says cheerfully.

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