Chapter 16: Home Alone...What To Do?

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I finally get out of bed and head for the bathroom. I take a shower and put on this…

Then I remember. I take off my jeans and put on some short shorts. I grab my razor and start shaving. I finish and put on my jeans again. I guess I should clean…no. I already did a few days ago. It’s still pretty clean. I guess I should do some schoolwork. I snatch my laptop and sit down on my bed, opening it up and logging on. I log on to ‘school’ and start working. After about twenty minutes, I save my work and log off of school. Then, my stomach growls hungrily. Oh yeah, I still haven’t eaten breakfast. I pour myself some cereal and eat it. Then, I do something I never do with anyone else in the house. I go on YouTube and type in “What makes you beautiful instrumental.” Then I play the video. And sing along with it. I realize Niall’s never heard me sing before. I guess I’ll do it soon. I keep doing that with their songs until I hear the door opening and the downstairs fills with chatter and laughter.  I quickly exit out of the song and pretend I’m just on my computer. Then I go downstairs and greet them. After that, we watch some TV. Then, Harry shouts “LET’S FINISH LIFE!!!!!” We all agree and turn off the TV. We pull the unfinished game board into the middle and continue playing. After we play for a LONG time, Harry wins. “CONGRATULATIONS HAZZA!!!!” Louis yells, throwing his arms around “Hazza.” Harry yells “AW, THANKS BOOBEAR!!” Then we all laugh and clean up the game. Louis puts a few things away, then he runs upstairs, being Louis. We just chuckle and finish putting it away. When we finish, I take the game and pick it up. I put it with the rest of the games. Then the others go to their rooms. First, Niall goes into the kitchen. “Nothing good to eat,” he mumbles. He grabs a bag of chips and heads to his room. I’m alone again. Sort of. I go up to my room and go to my dresser. I look in the mirror. I grab a scrunchie and tie my hair in a ponytail with it. A few wisps of my wavy blonde hair come loose as I go over to my laptop. I go downstairs holding it, and sit down on the couch. I open it and push the on button. I guess I should do some schoolwork. I’m falling a bit behind. Then, Niall comes down and into the room. He leans down and kisses my cheek. He says “Hi love.” I just smile and blush a bit, even though he does this all the time. He leaves the room, stopping for a Hershey’s bar. I do some more work, then I get bored. I log off and close my laptop. It’s spring, and it’s getting warmer outside. It’s the end of March. My birthday is on April 14th. I put on a light hoodie and go out into the backyard. I just walk around for a while, enjoying the warm breeze. Then, my mind just races back to last year, when Niall found he loved me…

But during Stole My Heart when they were running on the edge of the stage touching peoples’ hands, Niall noticed one girl, one wearing a blue shirt with a star, a pink short skirt, star earrings, and a heart necklace. She was beautiful. He just stood right by her and sang to her camera. He loved her. He knew it…

I was snapped out of my flashback when a ball came whizzing over the fence and into the yard. I go over to where it landed and pick it up. I check it for a name, but nothing was written on it. Then I found tiny words etched into it.

Jake’s first baseball


“Hey girl!” I hear someone yell. I look to where it came from. A boy who looks about ten is looking over the fence. “Could you throw me that ball back?” he yells. I nod and throw it into the yard. He says “Thanks.” And takes off running towards the ball. That must be Jake. “Jake, I got it!” The same boy yells. So Jake must be that boy’s brother. “Phew! I thought I lost it!” says another boy. I smile knowing I helped him out. I walk around a little more, then I find something strange. I bend down and pick up a heart shaped rock. I turn the smooth rock over in my hand. I decide it’s a perfect gift for Niall. We’ll be having our one year anniversary soon. Two weeks until! I gently put it into my pocket and go back inside. I see Harry at the counter reading a magazine. He looks up at me. Confused, he asks “Where were you?”



“I don’t know, I just felt like it.”

He shrugs and goes back to his magazine. I sneak a peek at the article he’s reading. It’s about their release of their debut album, Up All Night. He still loves reading those things. It makes him feel proud. The date on the magazine is November 21, 2011. They released it on the 18th. I smile at him.

(Harry’s POV)

I see Nicole smiling at me out of the corner of my eye. She knows I love reading these articles, for some strange reason. I blush, and my ears get hot. I quickly snap the magazine shut and rush upstairs to my room, closing the door. I’m not mad at her, just a little embarrassed. Then my phone beeps.



Hey Harry! U mad at me? sry… :( 

Not mad. just a bit embarrassed. I know it’s weird 2 read this article over and over again

Oh harry it’s not weird at all! I know it makes you proud.

:P turning off my phone now

Lol k

I turn off my phone. I check the clock, and it says 2:44!!! Oh man! We gotta eat lunch! I jump up and hide the magazine. Then I run out into the hall and yell “GUYS WE GOTTA EAT LUNCH!!!! IT’S LATE!!! I hear some grumbling about how I’m over reacting, then I hear surprised gasps. Niall comes bolting out of his room and grabs my arm. “I GOTTA EAT!!!” and skyrockets down the stairs and grabs his jacket. “READY!!” he yells. I laugh. The other boys come out, nowhere near as crazy as Niall. We grab our jackets and go downstairs to find Niall pacing back and forth in the kitchen saying “Gotta eat gotta eat gotta eat” under his breath. We chuckle, making him look up at us. “Subway?!” he asks and yells at the same time. We all agree on Subway and get into Harry’s car.

        We get to Subway and order. We find a good seat in the fairly small building and sit down. We eat like a pack of wolves, Niall being the one who hasn’t eaten for five days. I laugh at his eating antics. He stops to breathe, then asks, looking at Nicole, “So, what do you think we should do for our one year anniversary?”

(Nicole’s POV)

I look up, surprised. He was already thinking about that? Hm. I think for a moment, then I shrug saying “I dunno.” He gives a brief nod and continues scarfing down his food. I finish my sandwich and slurp my cola. I finish, throw out my wrappers, and sit back down still drinking my soda.

(Niall’s POV)

Ok, I know it’s silly, but I’m already trying to come up with the perfect one year anniversary. We finish our food and get in the car and go home. It’s 4:03, and I start to go upstairs when Nicole grabs me and pulls me back. “Where do you think you’re going?” she asks me, raising an eyebrow. I look at her, confused. What does she mean? My room, obviously. “What movie are we going to see tonight?” My mine races, and my heart pumps faster. I was supposed to pick out a movie for our movie date tonight. “Uh, I…haven’t really decided yet. Sorry.” I mutter. Then she gets all cheery. What?! “I know! Why don’t we see Paranormal Activity?” she asks brightly. “Uh, s-sure,” I stutter. Not because it’s a scary movie, but because she picked it out, and that was supposed to be my responsibility.

        Nicole’s POV

When it’s finally time to get ready for our date, I get ready and put on this…

I meet Niall at the bottom of the stairs, and we get in the car. He drives us to the movie theatre, and we mostly just make small talk. When we get to the movie theatre, we get our tickets and head into the theatre. We find some good seats, and about five minutes later, the movie starts.

        It’s a really scary part in the movie. I jump a little in my seat and hug Niall.

(Niall’s POV)

Nicole gets scared and hugs me. I comfort her and put my arm around her shoulder. She seems to calm, because her body starts to feel less tense after that.

        When the movie finally finishes, we get into the car and drive home. It’s pretty late, so we get into our pajamas and go to bed.

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