Chapter 23: Breaking Up

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When I wake up, I hear four boys clomp noisily inside. I check the clock. It’s 10:24. I smile when Louis says “HAZZA! I THOUGHT I LOST YOU!!!!!!!” Then when Harry says “AWW I COULD NEVER LEAVE YOU BOOBEAR!!!!!!” I giggle but stay in my bed. I can’t even look at Niall. Then I hear Liam ask something, and Louis mumbles something in reply. I hear feet thudding on the steps. I hear Niall.

“I’m gonna talk to her.”                                               

I dive under my covers and shove my head under my pillow. My door clicks and someone-probably Niall-enters my room. I see red high tops and the bottom of jeans. Niall’s high tops. Ugh it’s Niall. I just want him to go away!!!

“Hey, Nicole,” he says quietly.

“What do you want?” I snap.

“I want you to know that I’m sorry I didn’t trust you back at the bar, and I don’t want to stay broken up. Can you forgive me and we just pretend like nothing happened.”

I shoot out from under the covers and stand up.

“YOU WANT ME TO FORGIVE YOU AFTER WHAT YOU DID?! YOU THINK I’M GOING TO TAKE YOU BACK RIGHT AWAY AFTER YOU DIDN’T EVEN TRUST ME?!?! IF YOU REALLY LOVED ME YOU WOULD’VE TRUSTED ME WHEN I TOLD YOU THE TRUTH!!! OF COURSE I’M NOT TAKING YOU BACK YET! WE MIGHT GET BACK TOGETHER AGAIN, BUT DUDE WE NEED A BREAK!!!!” I scream angrily. He looks extremely hurt, but fudge if I care. I don’t care about his feelings anymore. I don’t care about him anymore. He means nothing to me.

        I stomp out of the room and into the bathroom. I sit on the toilet lid and pull out my phone.

Hey guys! Guess what? Niall’s a jerk! a guy at a bar kissed me and Niall thought I kissed him! if he really loved me he would’ve trusted me, but nope! Niall’s a jerk and didn’t believe me and broke up w/ me! oh and also, he tried to get me back and get me to forgive him, but like YEAH RIGHT! I can’t take him back right away after what he did! I don’t care if I get hate for this or if he gets hate because guess what…I DON’T CARE ABOUT NIALL JAMES HORAN AT ALL!!!! I don’t care if he gets hate I don’t care if I do! did I mention he’s a jerk? >:I


I instantly regret posting that. I’m mad at him, but I know he gets a ton of hate already. Now I feel awful. I’m going to get a ton of hate, and probably more than him. But I don’t know, we’ll see. Then I see at the top of my comment a red Delete Post button with a trash can! Yes! I automatically tap the button and delete it. I see it got about fifty views though! How do people do that? At least it was only fifty, but people will spread it!!! :( I’m sorry Niall…

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