Chapter 25: Home Again Home Again Jiggity-WHAT?!?!

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Finally on my plane! I play some music, then I fall into a deep sleep.

I wake up as a cart rolls by. It’s carrying food.

“Excuse me!”


“Could I have a bag of Gummi Bears?”

“Of course!”

She hands me a bag and I munch on them hungrily.


When we finally land, I get my luggage from the security check and find a taxi. I pay the driver, then I go up the driveway of my very missed house.

I walk up to the door and ring the doorbell.

The door opens, revealing my dad.

He pulls me into his arms and hugs me tightly.

“We’ve missed you so much!”

“I know, me too. Where’s Mom?”

“She’s up in our room. C’mon.”

We went upstairs and opened the door to mom’s room.

“Hi, Mom!”

“Oh my gosh! You’re here!”

I rushed over and carefully hugged her.

“I missed you so much Nicole!”

“Me too mom.”

“Where’s Tyler?”

“Right here!” Tyler says, walking in.

I run up and hug my brother.

When we finally get all our hugs in, we decide to go to bed. It’s late.

I go to my room and open my suitcase. I grab my pajamas and throw them on. Then I snuggle in to my own bed. I’ve missed home so much…

I wake up to my phone beeping. A text. I check the contact. It’s Zayn. He’s not going to be yelling at me, I know that for sure.

R u @ ur house?

Yep! :) I’ve missed home so much!

heh heh, yeah I know! ;)



I turn push the power button on my iPhone and put it back on my pink nightstand. I check my clock. 9:06. I roll out of bed and go over to my suitcase. I put on this…







It’s finally May.

In case you were wondering, I have been texting and emailing and calling home frequently, so my parents are aware of the kidnapping and such. I go downstairs and decide to make waffles for myself. I mix the batter and use the waffle presser, then I press it and wait for it to finish. While I do, I walk around my home. I look at missed objects. I love this place. I hear a ding, realizing the waffle is ready. I run to the kitchen and carefully place it on a plate. I walk to the table and set it down, then I grab syrup and pour it over them. As I eat them, I think of all of the fun things I’ve done so far with 1D. Then I remember how I am not with Niall. A tear falls down and trickles down my cheek. It falls onto my shorts. Wait! Why am I crying over this loser? He’s the one who doesn’t believe me. I can’t trust him. I don’t love him. I push Niall out of my head and eat my waffles. I finish and rinse off my plate, placing it in the sink. I go into the living room and click on the TV. I flip through the channels, looking for something to watch. I finally settle on Switched at Birth. I turn it off when I hear Dad coming down the stairs.

“Where’s Tyler?” I ask.

“School. It’s a Friday remember.”

“Oh, yeah.”

“Nicole, follow me. Your mother and I have something to tell you.”

I nervously follow Dad. We meet my mom in her room.

Mom takes a deep breath and says “Nicole, Grandma Kathy has cancer.”

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