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I grasped my phone in my hand for dear life. The world was starting to circle around me like a ride at a carnival. Dizziness overtook my body. Every piece of me wanted to throw up, until the pain started again.

The cramping pain that made PMS seem like a needle prick returned full blast, twisting and turning at my insides. I felt like I was going to combust from the outside in.

I rubbed my stomach lightly, "Okay, you need to calm down. You haven't even been in there for forty weeks yet!" I yelled to my unborn child with gritted teeth, already a pain in the ass, probably because she inherited it from both her parents.

I called Max again. He had left this morning and warned he'd be at the hospital with a critical patient who wasn't doing well. He told me he wouldn't have service.

So why am I worrying?

Oh right, because I'm in labor with his goddamn child!

Fuck me.

Nope. That's what got us into this mess.

I groaned and grasped the kitchen island as Dixie circled me like the protective pup she is. She hadn't left my side since the pain had started an hour ago when my stupid self pushed these off as Braxton Hicks- fake contractions.

When the pain died down, turning into a smaller cramp, I called the one person I really didn't want to see but this was the plan if a problem like this arised.

"Ellie?" Sam answered almost immediately. "What's wrong? Are you alright? You never call me." He rambled, Chris spoke in the background asking similar questions.

"I think I'm in labor." The excruciating pain started again, over taking my ability to stand until I was screaming on the ground.

"You are definitely in labor." Sam retorted. "Where's Max?"

"Hospital. Work." My teeth grinded with my words as I choked on another yell.

"Oh good. I'll come pick you up and we'll just meet him there. How far apart are your contractions?" Sam stated calmly.

"Ahhh! Fuck if I know!"

"Okay. Okay. I'm almost there. Chris and I were at this cute little store down the street. I bought the baby something-

"Hey, Sam?" I sucked in a deep breath when he hummed in return. "I'm about to push a living thing out of my vagina, and I really, really would love if you shut the fuck up and just get here."

The call was quiet, except the echoes of laughter from Chris in the background.

"Right, right. I'm just trying to keep you calm. You know, the whole blood pressure thing." Sam hushed. "I really need you to keep breathing until I get there."

As much as Sam had pissed me off in the past he was right. I was supposed to have a c-section next week. The doctors didn't think my body could handle natural child birth because of my elevated blood pressure.

But little baby Bouchard has different plans.

"Breathe with me, Ellie. We're almost there and I'm going to get you two to Max. Okay?" Sam kept talking calmly but I heard the urgency beginning to shine through.

Sam continued to talk me through breathing. Asking me when my contractions have stopped and started. I placed one hand to my stomach and the other to the top of Dixie's head in an attempt to calm her and me. She whimpered every time I screamed, snuggling closer into me.

After five more minutes, Sam and Chris were barging into the apartment. Sams eyes were wide as he took me in.

"Fuck." Sam dropped to his knees in front of me with his oversized bag slung over his shoulder. "How long ago did your water break?"

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