Chapter 5: sticky situations

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(This chapter might be shorter than the rest cause writing about spider webs in boring and this will mainly focus on the tests that y/n will be taking)

~Y/N's PoV~

My eyes fluttered open and I let out a quiet yawn, however Luigi seemed to of been the only one who heard it as his head snapped in my direction and he made his way towards me.

"How are you feeling?" He muttered, I slowly sat up and gave him a warm hug, he was surprised at my gesture but gladly returned the hug.

"I'm actually feeling great," I quietly said, E Gadd was busy typing out on his computer, clearly unaware that I had woken up.

He then turned towards us, "Luigi! You ready for the next mission?" He then saw me and a smile appeared on his face, "hello Y/n! Glad to see your doing better!"

I gave him a small nod as Me and Luigi slowly release from the hug. "So what's the mission?" I questioned, tilting my head a little.

"Clearing out webs and spiders, they've apparently caused a mess in the gloomy manor," Luigi stated before E Gadd could say anything.

I shivered at the thought of spiders, at least I wasn't going back there but I feel sorry for Luigi, having to clean up the webs on his own. "Well...good luck, Luigi."

"Thank you, I'm going to need it." Luigi was then teleported to the manor and E Gadd heavily sighed.

"At least you don't have to deal with all that, right?" E Gadd chuckled, I laughed along with him. "Right how about we get these tests done."

Giving a small nod, and standing up from my seat I made my way towards E Gadd, he went through some things before pulling out a syringe, "first I'll need a blood sample, sorry."

"It's fine dad, it's what needs to be done," I simply said as I revealed my shoulder and E Gadd stuck the needle in as gently as possible and took the blood.

"That's not right..." I looked at him, seeing his face full of confusion and worry. That's when I noticed the blood in the syringe, it was a mix of red and purple. "The dark moon shattering is affecting your blood colour too..."

What's else was going to be affected? And why would someone shatter the dark moon? Was there someone out to kill me? Many questions were unanswered.

"Over time it's going to get worse...what about my ghost cat form?" I muttered, E Gadd put the blood sample into a small test tube.

"That's one thing we also need to see." He simply said, I transformed and already felt sick. I looked at my fur, seeing the light blue and white sparkles were turning purple. "It's affecting your cat form too."

I quickly changed back and started to pace back and forth, "what is going on...?"

"It's clear that your not dying, your becoming weaker and weaker as every hour goes by," E Gadd mumbled, "meaning that whoever broke the dark moon isn't trying to kill you, but possibly making you weak enough to do something..."

I looked at him with fear, "please you have to create something, anything, that could slow this all down!"

"Calm down, y/n...we still need to to one more thing," E Gadd then pulled a small lever, six glass containers then came out of the floor all were empty except for one, which held a piece of the dark moon. "Go close to it and tell me what you feel."

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