Chapter 24: double trouble

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"Oh this isn't good, not at all!" E gadd could be heard mumbling to himself. "You doing alright e gadd?" Luigi questioned as he prepared himself for the next mission. "The parascope is going bonkers, so I can't pinpoint the location of the dark moon piece!"

"Also I'm worried about my toad assistant, see the treacherous mansion has all sorts of artifacts from evershade valley and beyond!"

I then looked at him confused, "you sure it's only one toad?" He just brushed me off, "I sent a toad to look after them because of how valuable they are."

"So we need to help him? Because of the...well ghostly environment?" Luigi said. E gadd nodded. "Exactly!"

"But are there two toads-?" I tried to speak however e gadd got the pixelator running and we were sent to the front door of the treacherous mansion.

"You got that key, right?" Luigi asked, I rummaged through my pockets and wiped out the front door key. Slowly, I placed into the key hole and twisted it, the door slowly opened to reveal darkness. "That doesn't seem right..." I muttered. Luigi tried to shine his flashlight into the mansion but to no avail.

He then turned around and king boo appeared staring down at me with a wide sickening smile. "We will meet...soon..." he then disappeared, echoed laughs boomed through the air. Luigi looked back at me. "You look like you've just seen a ghost..."

I gave him a cold stare, "we see ghosts constantly, besides it was king boo. Didn't you hear him?"

He just looked at me confused, "no? Maybe your imagining things." We both then stepped into the mansion, I immediately noticed the e-gates on the walls, two above were normal however the four below had knight armour, snow, Sand and plants around them. "Wow this place is huge!"

I turned towards Luigi who was holding the ds and scanning the map. Suddenly I saw the toad paintings, one somewhere icy and one somewhere with a lot of plants. "I...I saw them!"

"Who? What did you see?" Luigi questioned. "I saw the toads, one was in some sort of ice age exhibit and another in a plants exhibit, maybe we should start there?"

"But where are these exhibits?" He asked, I just shrugged but then looked at the door on the east. "Maybe we should split up? I go east." He then thought about it for a moment before agreeing and going through to the west wing.

I heavily sighed and entered the east wing, and into the jungle exhibit and two greenies appeared with tribal weapons. After dodging their attacks I flashed and took both out I then saw the toad painting and rushed over to it, only for a large fly trap to appear and stare me in the face. I shuffled away from it before it could snap its jaws onto my legs. I took a vine down to the bottom and opened an e gate that would take me back to the main entrance.

Using a flower to get back up top, I left the jungle exhibit and into the grand east. Which was covered in sand, "huh I wonder where this will go," was all I said to myself before struggling to open the iron door to the ancient exhibit.

A large face was staring at me, I flashed the eyes as they were strobulb panels and the sand beneath me gradually fell, once all the sand disappeared I was now standing beside many sarcophagus' and then I noticed the chain hanging out of the closed mouth of the statue.

So like any normal person would u grabbed the chain and yanked it and the mouth broke, revealing the e gate. Then mummies broke out of their chambers and started approaching me.

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