Chapter 10: pool party

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"Y/n~ wake up," I groaned and slowly opened my eyes, however I was surprised to see Luigi's face very close to mine. "We have our next mission."

I nodded, rubbed my eyes and stretched my limbs before lifting myself off the sofa, I didn't see toad anywhere which immediately got me worried.

"Were's toad?" I asked, E Gadd gave me a greeting nod. "He's off cleaning the bunker! Oh and he also brought an image back, which I've unscrambled!"

The monitor dropped down and showed the picture, there was a boo giving a key to a pinkish ghost and two boos were carrying a sack that contained some sort of painting.

"That has to be the special key we're looking for!" E Gadd exclaimed, "I'll pinpoint the rooftop pool on your map!"

"Great...we're going all the way to the top," I growled in Annoyance, Luigi lightly chuckled. "Don't worry y/n! We will get through it in a jiffy!"

As soon as we arrived to the haunted towers once again, I opened the gate and was met with two large slobbery mouths of the Venus fly traps.

"Load the fire, y/n!" Luigi announced, I summoned my purple fire. "Loading the fire, Luigi!"

The plants looked confused, that was until I set them ablaze and they burned to a crisp. "This way!" I motioned for Luigi to follow as we entered the door on the left to the tower lobby.

Passing over the raft and heading up the stairs the two of us entered the plant nursery. And saw a tiny plant in the centre of the room.

"Is this a dead end?" I muttered, Luigi's eyes scanned the room and his eyes lit up. "What is it?"

He didn't answer as he turned on the water, causing the pipes to let out a deafening rattle, and he picked the bucket up out of the right hand corner of the room and carried it to the left were the water flowed out of the pipe.

Once the bucket was filled up with water, he poured the liquid onto the sprout. "Well that works." I smiled a little, and planted a kiss on Luigi's cheek as the sprout turned into a large beanstalk and shot through the ceiling.

We climbed up the relatively stable leaves of the beanstalk and find ourselves in a rather creepy room with dolls and jack in the boxes...

"So umm what's with this room?" I mumbled, a little unsettled by the creepy toys, especially the doll on the centre of the room.

Luigi's eyes glanced at the doll house and peaked through one of the windows. "That's strange...I can through the window."

"What?" Was all I could say, because on of the boxes in the room rattled. Slowly winding it up, a creepy doll popped out with a disturbing laugh, also a greenie came out.

However it wasn't much hassle as it was quickly disposed of. Two more came out of the box but with our teamwork, and how weak they are, we captured them and the light came on.

Next room was the family room, "wow, the plant life did a number on this kitchen huh?" Luigi said as we observed the many plants and how they shot through the broken window. The sink was filled with leaves and many cabinets were tipped over, and tables were flipped upside down.

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