Chapter 13

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Sierra's POV

I gasped looking between the two people that were standing behind the door. Snapping out my shocked state I squealed hugging shay.

"What are you doing here? I thought your mom said you couldn't come until the semester was over you still have a week." I questioned ignoring the man that was awkwardly standing beside her.

"Well change of plans your not happy to see me?" She pouted throwing her arm over my shoulder.

You have no idea I thought. shay just saved me from having one hell of a bad day.

"Actually I'm more than happy to see you. I have so much to fill you in on." I smiled mischief clearly on my face.

"Oh lord what did you do?" she countered hugging me tightly.

Grabbing her bags from the porch I pulled shay in the house still ignoring the man that I thought I would never see again.

"Sierra who's at the d-" mom walked in her eyes widened at shay then to the door and all the Color drained from her face.

Her fists clenched and nostrils flared. Me and shay looked on as my mom's eyes met with the man that broke her heart.

The man that left her to raise a baby on her own. The man that remarried and started a family with someone else than had the audacity to invite her to his wedding.

When he knew she still loved him. That same man who I once adored and looked up to.

My sorry excuse of father or what i like to call him my sperm donor. He lost the privilege to be labeled a father a long time ago.

I could see the tears that threatened to fall from my mother's eyes. I glanced over at shay and she nodded her head walking over to my mother giving her a hug.

She knew what I was about to do. We had talked about this year's ago. I knew he was going to try to crawl his way back into our lives.

But like always I'm ten steps ahead of him.

As I moved towards the door. Stepping outside the cool air hitting my skin I looked at the man I once called my father with disgust.

He was dead to me and had some nerve to show up here like that.

Closing the door behind I held my ground shooting daggers at him. Hoping that this was a dream and that he would disappear.

"Cece," he began but I sharply cut him off.

"Don't. You. Dare. Call. Me. That!" I hissed through gritted teeth. He knew how that nickname affected me.

Nobody has called me that since he left.

He sighed kicking the dirt distractingly with his hands in his pockets.

"I don't know why your here Robert, but let me tell you something mom and i have moved on and I guess you better too. I will not allow you to just pop up in our lives whenever you please or feel like it opening up old wounds."

I kept my voice leveled and controlled despite the rage I was feeling building up inside of me.

He began to speak but I held my finger up silencing him. "You don't deserve a second chance and I know what you were about to say 'your sorry' well guess the fuck what? I don't give a fuck sorry isn't going to fix it."

I was seething, "While you were gone and moved on to marry that slut you call a wife. I was up every fucking night comforting my Mother because she was so heartbroken over you leaving."

I stepped closer to him only millimeters apart. "If I ever find you near my mother again or If i catch you even trying to talk to her I will personally come and kill you."

And then the grand finale. I kicked him where the sun don't shine. He groaned dropping to his knees.

The adrenaline that was pumping through my veins was like no other. The pleasure that ran through my body watching him laying on the ground groaning in pain.

A smile formed on my face as I kneeled down to his level. Sending one blow straight to his nose a satisfying Crack filled my ears as blood rapidly poured onto his shirt.

The front door flew open revealing shay who was standing there with a smirk on her face seeing my sperm donor groaning in pain holding his bleeding nose.

"Damn girl you couldn't wait for me?" She laughed.

I shrugged brushing my pants off. As an ache began to form in my hand but it was totally worth it.

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