Chapter 40

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Question... Have you ever just have someone, a stranger blast a song you know really well in public... and just scream the lyrics?? *cough* WAP *cough* I mean that's normal right?? Cause now my friends are embarrassed by me and say they won't go out with me anymore. T~T Anyways, on with the Chapter!!


The doctor had told me that I was going to be discharged tomorrow afternoon since they still have to go through a few more things to give me the 'Okay.' I sigh with relief, the hospital never really recalled great memories so to speak. And lately, during my stay this kind and cute male nurse has been coming in, giving off simp vibes every time he came into the room. I wouldn't say he was hurting me at all, but maybe making me uncomfortable, because having my heartbroken does need some time for recovering.

I am just happy I would be leaving this place soon. I was still contemplating whether or not to see Kiri once I was discharged. I mean, I don't even know if I could handle seeing him face to face.

The afternoon sunset came around, and I gaze at my window as warm colours painted filled in the whole frame. Birds flying and swooping around each other, gliding over houses and buildings of the nearby neighbourhood. It was like looking at an artwork in a gallery. My phone buzzes, and I take a look at it. It's a message from Taro, "I'm visiting today, so wait for me. Love ya ✌️😘." A soft smile spreads the corners of my lips, as I turn my phone off and placed it aside. I look around at my dull and sunlit room. I needed some air.

I kick my legs over the side of the bed and walk to the door of my hospital room. Swinging the door open, I check the halls to observe the many nurses and doctors that paced around, each having a duty to attend to. I take a step forward, before clicking the door behind me and looking for the stairs.

After a couple of lefts and rights of the halls, I find myself at a door with a sign saying 'Stairs' engraved into it. Taking one more double-check of my surroundings, everyone was too busy to notice me going to the stairs. With the coast clear, I pushed the door open and begin to climb flights of stairs, making my way to the rooftop.

After what seemed like an unnecessary amount of stairs to climb, I finally make it to the top and push open the last door. The door swung open easily, and the welcoming, bright sunset blinded me for a moment, before allowing them to readjust to the mesmerising garden before me.


A shaky sigh left my lips, as the tears I held back in my eyes came falling down. My body slumped down. A whimper escaped my lips as I let myself go, and cried it all out. I began screaming, my sobs becoming louder. "Why?! Why is this happening now!! Why all at once!!" I yelled aloud. "I WANT MY FAMILY BACK!!!"


Kirishima took a seat next to me. It was silent. But a somewhat comfortable silence. "You know, you have every right to feel the way you do," Kirishima spoke, his gaze still focused straight in front of him. Small tears formed, fogging up my vision. "You don't have to hide it either." My eyes closed, allowing the small sad water droplets to roll down my face.

~End of Flashback~

The garden looked exactly the same since I was last here. It was still so beautiful, even in a different lighting. I stroll over to the bench in the middle of the garden statuary, taking in the sweet, fresh air around me. The sunset gave some of the green leaves a rich golden glow and reminded me of autumn, as the garden soaked up the warm and radiant sunset light. Other green leaves still showed off their vibrant and bold tones of green, as they soaked in the shadows at cast upon them.

It was even more magical than I remember. Taking a seat, I look up towards the tree-like covering roof and had come to notice small fairy lights hanging from tree to tree. "It must be a whole other magical place when it's night. It would be like sitting under the stars." I mutter to myself, a genuine and joyous smile pulling at my lips.

A memory I had here plays on my mind. The time Kirishima comforted me. My smile downgraded to a smaller one, as the thought of Kiri rung through my mind. "I really, wish I could face him. But... it's just sooo hard!!" I complain, hanging my head low and placing my hands on my head. "Why Kirishima!! Why did that situation have to happen?! Of all nights, it had to be the night I confess to you!!" I whine louder, pulling at my hair with frustration.

I hear a rustle in the leaves and immediately jolt at the sound. I head turns around, looking left and right, up and down. The noise didn't sound like a bird rustling, it was bigger than that. "H-Hey! Who's there!" I call out, expecting the culprit to step forward. "Taro? Is that you?" I turn on my heels, taking a full scan of my surroundings.

"Hey, hey. Don't worry, I won't hurt you." A soft chuckle was heard, as a male's voice spoke out but still none to step forward. "Where are you? And who are you, if you don't mind me asking." Still looking around suspiciously, I try to navigate where the voice was coming from. "I'm somewhere, and I'm somebody." The voice took a hesitating start before talking aloud. "It's best if you don't know... for now." I slowly take a seat on the bench once again.

"Why are you here? Should I leave?" I ask, not wanting to interrupt what they were intending on doing. "No, no. It's, okay. You should continue venting... who's this Kirishima guy? And what effect does he have on you?" The voice asked. I pulled a confused face, wondering why I should vent to a stranger. I took a minute of hesitation. "Well? I mean, it's not like I know you all that well and who can I tell, it's your life, not mine." The stranger reasoned.

"I guess I need someone to vent to." I sigh, leaning back with my hands either side of me to support my body. "So Kirishima, he's this guy... a friend of my brothers before becoming mine. He's energetic, bubbly, easy to talk to, understanding and 'manly'." I chuckle softly, short flashbacks of him and I hanging out. "But I see him as more than a friend. I think he's cute, caring, kind, funny and I mean have you seen his body?! It's like a sculpture masterpiece!!" I rant on like a fangirl about Kirishima.

"You see, I was planning on confessing that I liked him more than my friend. I want to tell him, that almost everything he does makes my day. But things happened, and words were said. My heart was basically shattered, and I messed up according to another friend named Bakuhoe." I groaned the last part, remembering our argument from that one afternoon. I dropped my head into my hands, continuing to go on and on about my life for the past couple of days.

I looked up at the sky and notice the stars sparkling in a dark blue painted sky. Lightly coloured clouds began to fade within the atmosphere. As if on time, the tree hanging fairy lights twinkled on, livening and illuminating the garden to a magical glow. It was wonderful to see unfold. The lights above glowed like little fireflies glistening within the tree leaves. "Woah," I awe in amazement.

"Well, it sounds to me that there's one thing you have to do." The voice spoke out, a rustle was heard right after. "And what does a kind stranger, who is willing to hear me ramble on request that I do?" I smirk to myself, hearing more rustling.

"To talk to this Kiri guy."

Ha! Plot twist, it's the Tony guy and it turns out he has a change of heart. Hahah! Imagine?! But like... 😏 it could happen?! Or even Bakugou again, or Taro or who knows even SANTA FOR ALL I CARE!!

Anyways, I'm really starting to enjoy this writing thing, I'll see you in the next chapter, so have a great day/night. 😁

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