Phase 0

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        Look up at the sky, what do you see?

        Quixo --- a world where the colour of the sky determines your power level, isn't it exciting?

        However, people only see what they want to see. A place where magic makes reality, can you trust your eyes?

        Well, not a problem for Amethyst.

        Amethyst sees the world how it really is. She lives in a totally different world --- a world devoid of magic. Illusions and imaginations don't work on her too. As a result, she is a lone wolf who can't wield nor see magic, including magical beings.

        Thankfully, the world doesn't really care about who you are.

        It is a place where Angelos, Daemons, Faeries and Magus get along and interbreed without any prejudices. The saying 'age is just a number' doesn't apply in this magical world, as everyone is living in their own time. They could live as long as their magic can carry them.

        Amethyst didn't need to go through tough childhood where she is the victim of bully. However, loneliness creeps from behind.

        No one could understand her views. She felt like she was alone in her world, in fact she is.

        Well, that was when she was young, now not anymore. Instead of worrying about how the world would view of her, she worked hard to be at the top.

        School was compulsory, though the time to start is entirely up to individual. Since magic is not in her repertoire, the only thing she could go for was to be a scholar. After all, hard work never betrays you.

        With willpower soaring through the sky, Amethyst, who was confident with her abilities, managed to enter a prestigious school with the highest score in the entrance exam.

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