Phase 11

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        "Phew, I'm done reviewing this chapter." Amethyst closed her book and looked around. "It's getting dark outside."

        "Where's Marmalade?" She was too engrossed with her studies that she didn't notice Marmalade missing from her seat. "I'll go look for her, maybe she got so caught up reading storybooks that she forgot the time."

        Amethyst walked around the packed bookshelves. Suddenly, she saw Marmalade at the corner of her eye.

        "Marmalade, where are you?" Amethyst kept searching.

        As she lost track of Marmalade, she wandered into a part of the library she'd never been to before.

        "What's this?" Amethyst saw a white book standing alone on a shelf. She took the book and started to read.

        "Huh?" She saw a flashback about a girl with purple hair.

        The purple-haired girl had powers too strong it often got out of control. She would harm anyone who came close to her. She got scared, so she ran away.

        "What a tragedy... She must've felt so lonely." Thinking that the girl in the story had it totally opposite of her situation, she could still relate to the same emotions they felt --- loneliness.

        Amethyst couldn't stand looking at the lonely girl, so she flipped to the last page of the book.

        "Purple-haired are destined to be Guardians."

        Amethyst felt a chill down her spine. She immediately closed the book and looked up. There, Marmalade was staring at her.

        "Whoa, why didn't you call me if you saw me?" gasped Amethyst.

        Marmalade observed her, as if trying to figure out her reactions.

        "What are you doing here?" Marmalade finally opened her mouth.

        "Oh... I was looking for you and I saw you walking here. How did you find this place? I didn't even know there was such a place in the library," explained Amethyst.

        "Wow, you can really see everything."

        "Huh? What do you --" A gust of wind blew towards the puzzled Amethyst. She covered her eyes as everything else gets enveloped in white light.

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