Phase 5

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        Walking around the school compound, Amethyst had no idea she entered a restricted area, for the seal had no effect on her.

        Opening the door she stumbled upon, she saw many colours she had never seen before. Green, blue, pink, magenta, all the colours unbeknownst to her started entering her field of view. She etched that sight into her memory, not knowing that she had become the center of attention.

        It was a research lab. Anti-magic equipment that were newly invented were arranged for display. So many notes scattered on the table.

        "Who are you?" asked a pink-haired researcher.

        "Ah, I'm sorry to impose, I was looking around then I found this treasure room," answered Amethyst.

        "I am a student who just started this semester. I was thinking of finding a cure for my peculiar disposition," Amethyst proceeded to introduce herself.

        "Amethyst, where are you? I found the supervisor!" Her new friend, Marmalade Egnaro, whom she got acquainted with, was walking past Amethyst as if she was not present.

        "Amethyst, are you here? This is a restricted area, but there's nothing here!" complained Marmalade.

        The pink-haired researcher patted her back, signaling her to come back later.

        Amethyst answered her friend's call while walking out of the lab.

        "Whoa! Where were you? Did you just used magic? You appeared out of nowhere!" Marmalade was amazed by Amethyst's magical appearance.

        "There's a door here, you can't see it?" asked Amethyst.

        "Door? I don't see any door... So it's true that you see past every illusion?" Marmalade wanted confirmation.

        "More precisely, I can't see the illusion. No magic will work on me," Amethyst sighed.

        "Then you can't be tricked this way! You'll be more righteous than anyone!" Marmalade comforted Amethyst. "How I wish I had the ability to see through illusions."

        "You mean illusions are casted everywhere?"

        "Recently, it's been a fad among mages to cast illusions upon themselves or their belongings to fool others."

        "Then the next time you're going out, why don't you let me tag along?" smiled Amethyst.

        "I would love for you to tag along with me, not as a scanner, but as a friend hanging out together, okay?" Marmalade looking concerned about her friend being too generous and kind.

        "Sure, I would love to be a guide for my friend."

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