Phase 7

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        Soon, the Anum exam will be held. Students who wished to partake in the proficiency test may do so. However, Amethyst who was thinking of her future decided to spend more time enforcing her knowledge instead. With the exam just around the corner, Amethyst concentrated even harder on her studies.

        In the same classroom, with the usual empty seats, Amethyst began answering her exam questions. Nothing too hard for her. She was hoping to be the top scorer again.

        As expected, one week after the exam, the results showed that Amethyst, who passed the exam with flying colours was ranked top.

        "Amethyst, please see me in the staff's room after the lesson," said teacher.

        "Yes teacher, Amethyst here."

        "Congratulations on your results, Amethyst. You have exceeded everyone's expectations once again." The teacher was happy.

        "Thank you, teacher. As they say, hard work never betrays you," claimed Amethyst proudly.

        "Well, keep up the good work! You will be rewarded during next week's assembly on stage. And about your request to assist the research team, it has been approved. They were more than happy to receive your assistance."

        "It is my pleasure, teacher. I will not let this precious chance go to waste!" Amethyst felt relieved.

        "Wow, good work, Amethyst!" Marmalade congratulated Amethyst while ambushing her from behind the staff's room's door.

        "Thanks Marmalade, you did pretty well yourself!"

        "Yeah, who would've thought a lazy student like me would be able to be placed top twenty. I am so grateful for the study groups done with you," smiled Marmalade.

        "Good luck on your assisting for the research team! We'll have less time to spend together, but I can sacrifice a little for my friend to find a cure faster," Marmalade smirked.

        "Thanks Marmalade, you know you're the best!"

        "Of course I know, and I know what's best for you," Marmalade reassured. "So just do your best. I hope to see the same scenery with you one day."

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