Phase 4

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        "Magus' specialty is creation magic. They could create anything as long as they can imagine it, including illusions. Angelos specialise in healing abilities, Daemons specialise in skills, while Faeries specialise in elemental magic. Each race has their own specialties, but that doesn't act as a limit. Through diligent practice, anyone can master any magic.

        "The rulers of Quixo are decided through several trials. The ones who have higher magical capabilities shall serve as the residents' representatives and help those in need." Amethyst listened to the lecture attentively.

        To understand clearly about more details regarding magic, Amethyst took the initiative to discuss with the few friends she made and asked the teacher as well.

        One would like to think that this whole process was smooth sailing, but there were several mischievous beings who tested Amethyst's sight.

        Magic didn't work on her as expected. No matter how hot the fire balls thrown at her, how cold the ice daggers, Amethyst walked through them as if taking a stroll at the park. In fact, she didn't even notice she was being targeted until she saw erasers flying towards her.

        Kind Amethyst, brought up by her kind parents, did not think of these situations as bullying. Instead, she would kindly request her friends to return them for her.

        Seeing as their actions meant nothing to Amethyst, they felt a little lonely and tried to get along with her through writing letters or pictograms.

        Amethyst was thrilled to see efforts being made to communicate with herself. This is a really peaceful realm. Never before she thought that being unable to see magic wasn't so bad. Ultimately, it was proven that it wasn't a dead end, but the beginning of a new possibility.

        Figuring out how much she loves her world, she wanted a cure after all.

        Since she was young, she had been wishing for a cure. But looking at her mother's pained expression, she could not bring herself to ask for it. Instead of troubling or worrying her parents any longer, Amethyst chose to live with her condition.

        Currently, she is finally in a school with excellent scholars. This was a golden opportunity for her to cure herself of this ignorance.

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