Phase 22

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        The day of the long awaited school trip arrived. Everyone gathered in the hall. After getting ready, they departed on magical vehicles.

        "We are so high up!" Amethyst was thrilled, as she couldn't fly before.

        "Calm down, Amethyst!" Marmalade held her hands, trying to calm her down.

        "But this is so coool!" Amethyst couldn't suppress her excitement. "Woohoo!"

        "So pretty..." Amethyst was mesmerized. Wearing her anti-magic glasses, she could finally see the same scenery as everyone. The anti-magic equipment were all school property, so Amethyst couldn't bring them home. However, since this is a school trip, special permission was given.

        Amethyst was dazed. Their first stop was Illustri School. The school was so big, the compound so spacious that they can't see everything in one glance. What caught Amethyst's eyes most was the colourful scenery.

        After awhile, Amethyst would take her glasses off as her eyes got tired. She would leave it on mostly for group activities only.

        The school tour was amazing for all three schools. In her heart, Amethyst still loved her own school best as everyone she cherished was there.

        Amethyst couldn't concentrate those days. She experienced immense headache at times, especially when she was using anti-magic equipment. It was as though nature was telling her to quit going against the flow.

        She couldn't cope any longer. She finally passed out and collapsed on her way to the cafeteria.

        "Amethyst! Ame--" she saw Marmalade panicking before she closed her eyes.

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