Phase 15

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        "Amethyst, we need to discuss something with you," said Honey when Amethyst entered the house.

        "Sure." Amethyst braced herself, noticing a serious face her mother had never shown to her before, as she sat down on the couch. She felt her father's hands over her shoulder.

        "Amethyst, firstly, we want to apologize to you. We're sorry, dear," started Honey. "We always want the best for you."

        Seeing how bewildered Amethyst looked, Honey continued.

        "Your condition of being unable to see magic was caused by... the both of us. We sealed your magical abilities when you were a toddler, using a seal given by a fortune teller."

        "Fortune teller?"

        "When you were born, the hospital room was a chaos. The nurses and doctors who helped us got severely injured, and..."

        "And?" pestered Amethyst.

        "Your purple hair. As you know, green for Faery, orange for Magus, pink for Daemon and blue for Angelo. Yours was a hair colour never seen before. It was so unique that the doctors required us to send you for an examination right away."

        Amethyst nodded and asked, "Do you know what the colour stand for?"

        "We don't know exactly, but a legend has been passed down, telling us that the purple-haired wield tremendous power no one in Quixo would be able to stand," answered Honey.

        "Well, I know."

        "Huh?" Honey got caught off guard. Amethyst could feel her father's hands trembling.

        She recalled, "I read it in the library. An unknown shelf, with only a white covered book standing alone. There, I saw the memories of another purple-haired. She was so powerful she couldn't keep her powers in check, and ended up hurting everyone in vicinity."

        "What happened to her?" asked Honey inquisitively.

        "I... I didn't read until the end. I couldn't..." Amethyst felt her father's hand patting her head. She continued bravely, "So, I flipped to the last page."

        "You saw how it ended for her?" Honey asked sadly.

        Amethyst shook her head and revealed, "Purple-haired are destined to be Guardians."

        The three of them fell into silence.

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