Phase 20

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        "Fellow Feopers, after diligently studying for three levels, don't you want to take a break?" asked the teacher to the whole class.

        "Yeah!" answered the class delightedly.

        "Then, I present to you... a school trip to all other three top schools!" said teacher.

        Everyone started discussing among themselves, causing a ruckus.

        "Now, now, I'll explain. As you all know, we have four top schools in total --- us, Praes Tig School, Exalt School, Illustri School and Promi School. Every Feoper gets to tour these schools and interact with the students there."

        Teacher continued, "This is your chance to meet someone new and exchange ideas, use it to the max!"

        "Yes, teacher!" The class answered enthusiastically.

        "Wow, what an exciting event!" Marmalade patted Amethyst's shoulder.

        "Yep, can't wait! Ah, I need to tell the research team about this trip. I won't be able to visit frequently since we won't be around the school compound."

        "..." Marmalade proceeded to ask, "Have your parents told you the truth?"

        "Yes, I plan to inform the research team too, that they don't need to find a cure for me anymore." Amethyst answered instantaneously.

        "You... don't have any questions for me?" probed Marmalade.

        "Everything happens for a reason. Truth will unravel with time."

        Marmalade was astounded when Amethyst quoted from herself.

        "That was what you said, right?" smiled Amethyst.

        "So you heard..."

        "Of course. I heard and remembered everything you did and said crystal clear. They serve as clues for me after all." Amethyst looked so complacent.

        "Wow, guess you're not the top student for nothing, huh?" Marmalade was taken aback.

        "Yep, I've even beaten you, after all."

        "Hey, I haven't even show you my best, okay?" They laughed.

        Both of them chatted happily on the way home, with Rouge following behind, escorting them of course.

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