Phase 8

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        There were numerous research teams consisting of many elite members, but the one focusing on anti-magic was this team.

        "Phew." In front of the research lab, the supposedly forbidden door opened right before Amethyst's eyes. What was awaiting her was the crew and supervisor welcoming her with open hands.

        The supervisor, Chartreuse Elppa, has beautiful green hair Amethyst had never seen before.

        "Hi, I'm the supervisor, Chartreuse. They are the investigators researching on anti-magic." The supervisor proceeded to introduce the members one by one, while Amethyst's eyes were glued on their hair colours.

        Chartreuse noticed that Amethyst wasn't paying attention, and explained, "Since we are working on anti-magic research, this room was made to have anti-magic barrier. Magic does not enter nor leave the room."

        Chartreuse continued, "Seeing as you are surprised with the members, I assume the barrier works well?"

        His question snapped Amethyst back to reality. She answered, "Ah, yes, I can't believe I've been missing out on a world this colourful!"

        Seeing Amethyst so fascinated, Chartreuse smiled, "This is just the beginning. The world outside is much more colourful."

        As days pass, more and more anti-magic equipment have been created for Amethyst. However, all of the equipment only served as a temporary cure for her. No matter what method they used, they can't seem to find the source of her problem.

        "The research on finding my cure isn't progressing really well..." Amethyst sighed.

        "Don't worry too much, Amethyst. I'm sure everything will be fine. You should enjoy the present instead!" comforted Marmalade.

        "Is it really alright to let my condition be?"

       "Everything happens for a reason. Truth will unravel with time," muttered Marmalade as she lags behind Amethyst.

        "What did you say, Marmalade?"

        "I said since you are worrying so much, why don't I bring you somewhere nice to get your head off of it?" Marmalade smiled and dragged Amethyst to her favourite dessert store.

        "Oh, let's go! I heard they are making something new today!" Amethyst cheered.

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